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Faculty of Classics



The social and economic archaeology of the Roman world. Interactions between the Classical World and indigenous societies. Archaeological survey methods.

Current projects:

Roman colonization in the Liri Valley, Italy (jointly with Dr Alessandro Launaro).

Romano-British settlement in northern England including survey and excavation at Aldborough (Isurium Brigantum) in collaboration with Rose Ferraby.

Underneath the Surface of Roman Republican Towns. An AHRC-funded project (jointly with the University of Ghent) that is using high resolution Ground Penetrating Radar to survey towns in Roman Italy.


Watch research presentations:


Key publications: 


1990    The Romanization of Britain: an essay in archaeological  interpretation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) (Paperback edition issued 1992)

1995    Roman Britain  (UK; English Heritage/Batsford) (Second edition 2005)

1995     (with J. M. Carreté and S. J. Keay) A Roman Provincial Capital and its Hinterland: the  survey of the territory of Tarragona, 1985-1990 (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series no. 15)

1995     (edited with J. Metzler, N. Roymans and J. Slofstra) Integration in the Early Roman West: the role of culture and ideology  (Dossiers d'Archéologie du Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art IV, Luxembourg)

1999     (with P. Halkon) Rural Settlement and Industry: studies in the Iron Age and Roman archaeology of lowland East Yorkshire (Yorkshire Archaeological Society Roman Antiquities Section monograph no. 4)

2001     (edited with J. Pearce and M. Struck) Burial Practice in the Roman World: contextual studies  (Oxford: Oxbow Books)

2001     (edited with S. T. James) Britons and Romans: advancing an archaeological agenda (York: Council for British Archaeology Research Report 125)

2005    (with S. Keay, L. Paroli and K. Strutt) Portus: An Archaeological Survey of the Port of Imperial Rome, British School at Rome Monograph 15 (ISBN 0 904152 47 2)

2005    Roman Britain, English Heritage/Batsford (second edition revised)

2006    Shiptonthorpe, East Yorkshire : archaeological studies of a Romano-British roadside settlement, Yorkshire Archaeological Society Roman Antiquities Section monograph no. 5 (ISBN 1 9035 6465 4)

2013     (edited with Paul Johnson) Archaeological Survey and the City, Oxford: Oxbow Books (ISBN 978-1-84217-509-5)

2013     (with S. Hay and S.J. Keay) Ocriculum (Otricoli, Province of Terni): an archaeological survey of the Roman town, London: British School at Rome Monograph 22 (ISBN 978-0-904152-67-8) 

2015     (Edited with P. Halkon and H. Woodhouse) Hayton, East Yorkshire: archaeological studies of the Iron Age and Roman landscapes. Leeds: Yorkshire Archaeological Report 7 (2 vols). (ISBN 978-0-9932383-2-1) 

2016     (With R. Ferraby) Aldborough Roman Town. London: English Heritage Guidebooks. (ISBN 978-1-910907-11-5) 

2016     (Edited with Alison Moore and Louise Revell) The Oxford Handbook of Roman Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (ISBN 978-0-19-969773-1)

2017      (Edited with Rose Ferraby, Paul Johnson and Lacey Wallace) Thwing, Rudston and the Roman-period exploitation of the Yorkshire Wolds. Leeds: Yorkshire Archaeological Report 8. (ISBN978-0-9932383-7-6

2020       (With Rose Ferraby) Isurium Brigantum: an archaeological survey of Roman Aldborough. London: Society of Antiquaries Research Report no. 81.

2020       (With S. Keay, K. Strutt and P. Germoni The Isola Sacra Survey: Ostia, Portus and the port system of Imperial Rome, McDonald Institute Monograph.


Selected Articles:

2000     (with F. Queiroga, K. Strutt, J. Taylor and S. H. Willis) 'The Ave Valley , northern Portugal :  an archaeological survey of Iron Age and Roman settlement'. Internet Archaeology  

2000     (with S. J. Keay, S. Poppy, J. Robinson, J. Taylor and N. Terrenato ) 'Falerii Novi: a new survey of the walled area'. Papers of the British School at Rome 68, 1-93.

2001     'Roman interaction in NW Iberia'. Oxford Journal of Archaeology  20/2, 157-70

2004     (with S. Keay and P. Johnson) 'Lesser urban sites in the Tiber Valley : Baccanae, Forum Cassii and Castellum Amerinum'. Papers of the British School at Rome  72, 69-100

2004    (with S. Keay, S. Poppy, J. Robinson, J. Taylor and N. Terrenato) 'New approaches to Roman urbanism in the Tiber Valley', H. Patterson (ed.)  Approaches to Regional Archaeology in the Middle Tiber Valley, Archaeological Monograph of the British School at Rome 12, 223-36

2006    (with S. Keay and K Strutt)  'An archaeological survey of Capena (La Civitucola, Provincia di Roma)', Papers of the British School at Rome, 74, 73-118.

2007     (with C. Carlucci, M.A. De Lucia Brolli, S. Keay and K. Strutt) 'An archaeological survey of the Faliscan settlement at Vignale, Falerii Veteres, (Province of Viterbo)', Papers of the British School at Rome, 75, 39-121.

2007    'Roman Kent', in The Archaeology of Kent to AD 800 (ed.) J. H. Williams, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 135-84

2007    'Urban topography and social identity in the Tiber Valley', in Roman by integration: dimensions of group identity in material culture and text, (eds) R. Roth and J. Keller. Journal of Roman Archaeol. supplement 69, 71-82

2008    (with R. Ferraby, S. Hay and S. Keay) 'Archaeological survey at Fregellae 2004-05', C. Corsi and E. Polito (eds) Dalle sorenti alla foce.  Il bacino del Liri-Garigliano nell' antichita: culture contatti scambi, Roma: Quasar, 125-31. 

2009     (with S. Hay, S. Keay and T. Sly) 'Urban field-survey at Ocriculum (Otricoli, Umbria )',  F.  Coarelli and H. Patterson (eds) Mercator Placidissimus: The Tiber Valley in Antiquity, Roma: Quasar, 797-809.

2010      (with S. Hay, P. Johnson and S. Keay) ‘Falerii Novi: further survey of the northern extra-mural area’ Papers of the British School at Rome, 78, 1-38.

2011      (with P. Germoni, S. Keay and K. Strutt) 'The Isola Sacra: reconstructing the Roman landscape', S. Keay and L. Paroli (eds) Portus and its hinterland, Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 18, 231-60. ISBN 978-0-904152-60-9

2012      (with S. Hay, A. Launaro and N. Leone) 'Interamna Lirenas e il su territorio. Indagini archeologiche non invasive 2010', Sabina e Lazio 8 (Atti del Convengo, Roma 30-31 Marzo, 1 Apirile 2011): 603-09. ISBN 978-88-7140-476-9

2012      (with S. Hay and S. Keay) 'Teano (Teanun Sidicinum), Campania', in F. Vermeulen, G.-J. Burgers, S. Keay and C. Corsi (eds) Urban landscape survey in Italy and the Mediterranean. Oxford: Oxbow, 105–13.

2015       (with R. Gowland) Infant and child burial rites in Roman Britain: a study from East Yorkshire, Britannia 46: 171–89.

2016        (with S. Keay) Republican and early Imperial Towns in the Tiber Valley, in A. E. Cooley (ed.) A Companion to Roman Italy. Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley, 357–77. ISBN 9781444339260 

2016       'By small things revealed': Rural settlement and society, in M. Millett, A. Moore and L. Revell (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Roman Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 699–719. [Published on-line 2014]

2016        Roman Britain since Haverfield, in M. Millett, A. Moore and L. Revell (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Roman Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 22–42. [Published on-line 2015].

2016        Rural settlement in Roman Britain and its significance for the Early Medieval period, Haskins Society Journal, 27, 1–14.

2016 Improving our understanding of Londinium, Antiquity, 90, 1692–99.

2017       Discussion: reflections on the representational use of artefact evidence, in M.Pitts and A.Van Oyen (eds) Materialising Roman Histories. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 65–72.

2018 (with P. Germoni, S. Keay and K. Strutt) Ostia beyond the Tiber: Recent Archaeological Discoveries in the Isola Sacra. In Ricerche su Ostia e it suo territorio: Atti del Terzo Seminario Ostiense (Roma, École française de Rome, 21-22 ottobre 2015). Publications de l’École française de Rome ISBN électronique: 9782728313334 [DOI: 10.4000/books.efr.3637]

2018 (with C. Dobinson, R. Ferraby, J. Lucas, and L. Wallace) Archaeological field-survey in the environs of Aldborough (Isurium Brigantum). Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 90, 29-58.

2018 (with L. Verdonck, F. Vermeulen and A. Launaro) The Impact of High Resolution Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey on Understanding Roman Towns: case studies from Falerii Novi and Interamna Lirenas (Lazio, Italy), Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE international conference on metrology for archaeology and cultural heritage, Cassino, Italy - October 22-24, 2018, Cassino, pp. 249–54. (ISBN: 978-1-5386-5275-6)​.

2019 (with T. C. O'Connell, R. M. Ballantyne, S. Hamilton-Dyer, E. Margaritis, S. Oxford, W. Pantano and S. J. Keay) Living and dying at the Portus Romae, Antiquity 93, 719–34

2019 (with R. Ferraby) Aldborough Roman Town Layered Plan with site gazetteer [Dataset].

2020 (with L. Verdonck, A. Launaro, and F. Vermeulen) 'Falerii Novi: the Ground-penetrating Radar survey of a Roman city', Antiquity 94, 705–23.

Laurence Professor of Classical Archaeology
Fellow of Fitzwilliam College
Professor Martin  Millett

Contact Details

Faculty of Classics
Sidgwick Avenue
01223 335161
Not available for consultancy

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