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Faculty of Classics



Early Greek Poetry

Greek Religion

Greek Drama


Anthropology and Classics

Ancient Cultural History

History of Classical Scholarship


Key publications: 



Ancestral Fault in Ancient Greece, Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy, co-editor (with M. Hopman), Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Sacrifices humains. Perspectives croisées et représentations, co-editor (with P. Bonnechere), Presses Universitaires de Liège, 2013.

Regimes of Comparatism: Frameworks of Comparison in History, Religion and Anthropology, co-editor (with S. Goldhill and G. E. R. Lloyd), Brill, 2018.

Les dieux d'Homère II. Anthropomorphismes, co-editor (with M. Herrero), De Boccard, 2019.

Cosmography and the Idea of Hyperborea in Ancient Greece: A Philology of Worlds, Cambridge University Press, 2021.



▪ "What is the Pride of Halicarnassus?" Classical Antiquity 25.1 (2006): 1-33.

▪ "L'esthétique de la peur chez Empédocle," Revue de philosophie ancienne 24.3 (2006): 83-110.

▪ "Inherited Guilt in E. R. Dodds," Quaderni di storia 67 (2007): 16-33.

▪ "Winds and Ancestors: The Physika of Orpheus," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 103 (2007): 1-24.

▪ "The Sins of the Fathers: C.A. Lobeck and K.O. Müller," Kernos: Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque ancienne 21 (2008): 109-124.

▪ "Themis at Eleusis: Clement of Alexandria, Protrepticus 2.22.5" (with Miguel Herrero), Classical Quarterly 59.1 (2008): 270-274.

▪ "Spilling the Sea Out of its Cup: Solon's Elegy to the Muses," Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica 133 (2009): 23-49.

▪ "Atreid Ancestors in Alkaios," Journal of Hellenic Studies 129 (2009): 39-43.

▪ "A Wolf at the Table: Sympotic Perjury in Archilochus," Transactions of the American Philological Association 139.2 (2009): 249-272.

▪ "Mystery Inquisitors: Performance, Sacrilege, and Authority at Eleusis," Classical Antiquity 28.2 (2009): 211-247.

▪ "Works and Nights" (with R. Höschele), Cambridge Classical Journal 55 (2009): 59-72.

▪ "Invisible Kin: Works and Days 280-285 and the Myth of Races," Hermes. Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie 138.1 (2010): 1-21.

▪ "The Poetics of Exoleia in Homer," Mnemosyne. A Journal of Classical Studies 62 (2010): 353-380.

▪ "Haereditarium Piaculum: Aspects of Ancient Greek Religion in the 17th Century," Gewalt und Opfer. Im Dialog mit Walter Burkert, ed. A. Bierl and W. Braungart, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter (MEP 2) (2011): 115-148.

▪ "Une carte de mémoires: l'épigramme de Salmacis," Griechische Heiligtümer als Erinnerungsorte. Von der Archaik bis den Hellenismus, ed. M. Haake and M. Jung, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag (2012): 129-163.

▪ "The Chorus in the Middle" (with M. Hopman), Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy, ed. R. Gagné and M. Hopman, Cambridge University Press (2013): 1-35.

▪ "Dancing Letters: The Alphabetic Tragedy of Kallias," Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy, ed. R. Gagné and M. Hopman, Cambridge University Press (2013): 282-307.

▪ "Le sacrifice humain : un phénomène au fil d'Ariane évanescent" (with P. Bonnechere), Sacrifices humains. Perspectives croisées et représentations, ed. P. Bonnechere and R. Gagné, Liège (2013): 7-20.

▪ "Zeus Laphystios and Athamas (Herodotus 7.197)," Sacrifices humains. Perspectives croisées et représentations, ed. P. Bonnechere and R. Gagné, Liège (2013): 101-118.

▪ "Poétiques de la chrèsmodie : l'oracle de Glaukos (Hérodote 6.86)," Kernos: Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque ancienne 26 (2014): 95-109.

▪ "'How Should I Hymn You?' Literary Evidence: Poetry," The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion, ed. Esther Eidinow and Julia Kindt, Oxford University Press (2015): 83-96.

▪ "La Catabase Aérienne de Thespésios : Le Statut du Récit," Les Études Classiques 83 (2015): 313-328.

▪ "The World in a Cup: Ekpomatics In and Out of the Symposium," The Cup of Song: Ancient Greek Poetry and the Symposium, ed. V. Cazzato, D. Obbink, and E. Prodi, Oxford University Press (2016): 207-229.

▪ "Who's afraid of Cypselus? Contested Theologies and Dynastic Anathēmata," Theologies of Ancient Greek Religion, ed. Esther Eidinow, Julia Kindt, Robin Osborne, Cambridge University Press (2016): 62-88.

▪ "Ideas, belief, unknowability: Euripides, Hippolytus 832–833 and 1379–1383", Πλειών. Papers in memory of Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, ed. A. Kavoulaki, Rethymno (2017): 241-256.

▪ "Regimes of Comparatism," Regimes of Comparatism: Frameworks of Comparison in History, Religion and Anthropology, ed. R. Gagné, S. Goldhill, and G. E. R. Lloyd, Leiden, Brill (2018): 1-17.

▪ "The Isis of Turin Affair," Regimes of Comparatism: Frameworks of Comparison in History, Religion and Anthropology, ed. R. Gagné, S. Goldhill, and G. E. R. Lloyd, Leiden, Brill (2018): 210-243.

▪ "Hyperboreans, Arimaspians and Issedones: Mirages of Ethnicity and the Distant North in Book 4 of the Histories," Ethnicity in Herodotus, ed. T. Figueira and C. Soares, Routledge (2019): 85-102.

▪ "The Battle for the Irrational: Greek Religion 1920-1950," Rediscovering E. R. Dodds, ed. S. Harrison, C. Pelling, C. A. Stray, Oxford University Press (2019): 36-87.

▪ "Sauver les dieux" (with M. Herrero), Les dieux d'Homère II. Anthropomorphismes, ed. R. Gagné and M. Herrero, De Boccard (2019): 7-42.

▪ "Les 'dieux semblables à des étrangers' (Odyssée XVII, 485-487)," Les dieux d'Homère II. Anthropomorphismes, ed. R. Gagné and M. Herrero, De Boccard (2019): 197-234.

▪ "Cosmic Choruses: Metaphor and Performance," Cosmos in the Ancient World, ed. P. S. Horky, Cambridge University Press (2019): 188-211.

▪ “Whose Handmaiden? 'Hellenization' Between Philology and Theology”, Classical Philology and Theology, ed. C. Conybeare and S. Goldhill, Cambridge University Press (2020): 110-125.

▪ “Sémantiques de l'épithète divine : origines et compétence”, Les dieux d'Homère III. Epōnumiai: Questionner les dénominations divines et leur circulation, ed. C. Bonnet and G. Pironti, De Boccard (2020).

▪ “Zeus Panomphaios : réécritures et traditions de l'exégèse ”, Les dieux d'Homère III. Epōnumiai: Questionner les dénominations divines et leur circulation, ed. C. Bonnet and G. Pironti, De Boccard (2020).

Professor of Ancient Greek Literature and Religion
Fellow of Pembroke College
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Dr Renaud  Gagné

Contact Details

Pembroke College, Cambridge, CB2 1RF
01223 338130
Not available for consultancy

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