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Faculty of Classics



My field of research is Latin epic poetry, its tradition, and its interaction with contemporary politics and philosophy. I am currently working on a monograph on the theme of civil war in Lucan and the Flavian epic poets. I am also interested in reception studies, especially Christian (and) neo-Latin poetry.


Key publications: 

– ‘Untarnished Books and Vanished Kings: Numa, Ovid and Ennius’, forthcoming in Classical Quarterly.

– Sicut in caelo et in terra: Amphiaraus, Thiodamas, and the theology of Statius’ Thebaid’, forthcoming in Museum Helveticum.

– ‘The Return of Jupiter: Aeneid 1, Punica 3 and the Post-Lucanian Theology of Silius’ Punica’, in R.D. Marks and M. Mogetta (eds.), Domitian’s Rome and the Augustan Legacy (Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2021) 158–70.

– ‘Struttura e ideologia nella Farsalia di Lucano (con alcune speculazioni sul finale)’, in P. Esposito (ed.), Seminari lucanei I. In memoria di Emanuele Narducci (Pisa 2020) 61–90.

– ‘La folgore di Giove e la teomachia di Capaneo nella Tebaide di Stazio’, Materiali e discussioni 80 (2018) 159–90.

Language Teaching Officer
College Research Associate, Clare College
 Ludovico  Pontiggia
Not available for consultancy


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