Greek religion and society; Greek law; non-citizens in the ancient world; religious pollution; cult foundation; inscriptions; historiography
‘Social-status, Legislation and Pollution in Plato’s Euthyphro’ in Pirenne-Delforge, V. & Carbon, J.-M. (edd.) Kernos Supplement (forthcoming in 2016).
‘Prose and Religion’ in Eidinow, E. & Kindt, J. (edd.) Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (forthcoming with Oxford University Press).
‘Gods and Men in Ancient Greek Conceptions of Lawgiving’ in Eidinow, E., Kindt, J. & Osborne, R. (edd.) Theologies of Greek Religion (forthcoming with Cambridge University Press).
‘Sophocles’ Antigone, and not knowing what to do’ in Omnibus 68 (2014), 5-7.
Jameson, M. Cults and Rites in Ancient Greece: Essays on Religion and Society. Edited by Stallsmith, A., with an introduction by Cartledge, C. (Cambridge, 2014) forthcoming in Journal of Hellenic Studies (Spring, 2016).
Cusumano, N., Gasparini, V., Mastrocinque, A. & Rüpke, J. (edd.) Memory and Religious Experience in the Greco-Roman World (Stuttgart, 2013) in Classical Review (2015).
Sommerstein, A. & Bayliss, A. (edd.) Oath and State in Ancient Greece. With contributions by Kozak, L. and Torrance, I. (De Gruyter, 2013) in Classical Review 64.1 (2014), 202-4.
Papazarkadas, N. Sacred and Public Land in Ancient Athens (Oxford, 2011) in Journal of Classics Teaching 25 (2012), 38-9.