Cambridge is a lively and diverse location for classical research: the Faculty aims to further individual and collaborative research into all major aspects of Classical culture and its reception at the highest possible level of attainment, and is recognised as a leading centre in the subject world-wide.
Our research community includes University Teaching Officers (UTOs), College Teaching Officers (CTOs), Junior Research Fellows (JRFs), Post-Doctoral Fellows, and Graduate Students. There are six ‘caucuses’ within the Faculty focused on the main on the main sub-disciplines within the subject--literature, ancient philosophy, ancient history, classical art and archaeology, linguistics, and interdisciplinary studies—which help to coordinate both teaching and research. These run series of research seminars in their area every year, where staff, visitors, and students present and discuss their work.
On these pages you can find further information about some of particular ways in which classical research is conducted and promoted at Cambridge—about the collaborative research projects which some of us are responsible for, the conferences we are planning, and the post-doctoral funding applications we are keen to support. The Faculty hosts or is involved in a number of research projects, and hosts a wide range of conferences. Information about postdoctoral research funding opportunities has its own page.