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Faculty of Classics

casts in sunlight and shadow: calf carrier in front of statue of naked young man

Our Casts

The cast collection of the Museum of Classical Archaeology comprises over six hundred plaster casts of Greek and Roman sculpture. Around 450 casts are on display in the Cast Gallery, which is the public face of the Museum. The collection not only brings together sculptures which are today scattered around the world in both private collections and museums open to the public, but also provides an unparalleled resource for studying and researching Roman and Greek art.

The Cast Gallery houses some of the best known and most important examples of classical sculpture, arranged broadly chronologically. Each plaster cast is a direct copy of its original created through a painstakingly laborious process; many do preserve, too, the restorations added to the statues after their rediscovery – some of which have been removed today, meaning the cast collection also freezes in time its statues in their previous incarnations.

The most famous exhibit in the cast collection is the painted Peplos Kore, which has been reconstructed to capture its original glory.


Find out more



Every cast tells two stories.
One ancient. One modern.

Admission is free.


Opening hours

Tues-Fri: 10am-5pm
Sat (univ. term-time only): 2pm-5pm
Sun and Monday: Closed

Closed on Bank Holidays


Saturday Opening

We are currently closed on Saturdays.

Please note: We are open on Saturdays only during University of Cambridge term time.


Visit us

Museum of Classical Archaeology
Faculty of Classics
Sidgwick Avenue

We do not have an entrance on the road. Find us inside the Sidgwick Site.


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Get in touch

Tel. +44 (0)1223 330402


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Copyright statement

All images and material on our websites are ©Museum of Classical Archaeology, University of Cambridge unless otherwise stated. If you would like to reproduce our images, you can now do so for non-commercial use at no charge.

See also our Copyright Notice and Take Down Policy.