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Below you will find details of funding opportunities for those applying for postgraduate degrees in Classics. Should you have any further questions, please email:

1. University funding


There are many funding opportunities at Cambridge from a wide variety of sources. To make this process easier for applicants, the University operates a Postgraduate Funding Competition.  This competition co-ordinates funding from a wide variety of sources including the Cambridge Trust, Gates Cambridge, Colleges, departments, Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP and other Research Councils and central University funds.


How to apply

It is easy to apply.  You simply need to complete the funding section of the Postgraduate Application Form (via the Applicant Portal).



To be eligible for consideration in the Postgraduate Funding Competition you will need to submit your application to study and supporting documents via the Applicant Portal by the relevant deadline.  A special note about Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP funding: should you tell us through this portal that you wish to be considered for OOC AHRC DTP funding, this precludes you from applying for OOC AHRC DTP funding at Oxford or the Open University. It also demands that you fill out an additional form.


Other funding competitions

Many other funding competitions, while not included in the Postgraduate Funding Competition, still only require you to complete the funding section of the Postgraduate Application via the Applicant Portal.  You can use the Cambridge Funding Search to see which competitions you are automatically considered for.


2. Faculty funding


Through the generosity of many benefactors, past and present, the Classics Faculty is itself able to offer some funding to both MPhil and PhD students. All applicants who apply by the postgraduate funding competition deadline given on the University Course Directory webpages are automatically considered for the various Faculty funds for which they are eligible. Please see the following webpages:

The Faculty is particularly pleased to be able to offer the following:

a) Buckley Scholarships

Through the kindness of Brian Buckley, three or more Buckley Scholarships, which offer funding for MPhil or PhD research.

b) Walston Studentship

This scholarship provides full support to a PhD student working on classical archaeology, or in the art or architecture of ancient Greece. The student’s research should normally involve travel or residence in Greek lands for a period of not less than three months.

c) Cambridge Classical Studies Studentship:

This part studentship offers part-funding to a MPhil or PhD student in Classics.

d) Salisbury Studentship

This scholarship provides part support to an MPhil or PhD student working on Romano-British archaeology.

e) John Killen Scholarship

This part studentship (courtesy of Jesus College) is for an MPhil student.  Preference may be given for someone working in Mycenaean studies.

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