Meet the Romans in this hands-on workshop. Your students will learn about the big hitters in Roman myth and life, as well as handling real 2000-year-old artefacts.
Age: 7-11 (KS2)
Curriculum links: History (Ancient Rome); English (Storytelling)
Maximum group size: 35 (minimum 10 for a visit led by us)
Session time: we recommend 90 minutes
Session type: museum-led or self-led
No charges apply
KS2 Romans
Our museum-led KS2 Romans session, facilitated by our Education and Outreach Coordinator, is is specially designed to support the curriculum, to inspire your students and to enhance their studies. We can plan our session to fit your timetable, offering anything between 45 and 90 minutes – it's up to you.
For a 90-minute session, we suggest the following breakdown:
- Whole class session in Bay C: our Education and Outreach Coordinator will introduce students to the Museum and split your class into two groups. (15 mins)
- Group 1: guided by your adult leaders in smaller groups, one half of the class will use our KS2 Romans Workpack to explore the Roman sculpture in the Museum: they will meet Hercules, the ultimate Roman hero, and will encounter some of the more colourful characters of the Roman empire amongst our portrait busts.
- Group 2: guided by our Education and Outreach Coordinator, the other half of the class will have the opportunity to handle some Roman artefacts from our sherd collection – including pieces of marble, pottery fragments, and oil lamps. We use these items to think about both daily and public life, in Rome and here in Roman Britain.
- After approximately 30 minutes, the two groups switch.
- Whole class back together in Bay C: our Museum and Education Coordinator will bring you back together again before you leave to answer any questions the students may have. (15 mins)
KS2 Romans WorkPack
- Download the KS2 Ancient Romans Museum Pack (pdf)
- Download the KS2 Ancient Romans Museum Pack (accessible pdf)
- Download the KS2 Ancient Romans Teacher's Answer Sheets (pdf)
- Further resources: Romans Home Learning Resources
- For the classroom: Ask a Cambridge Expert: The Romans (video)
How to Book
To make a booking, please use our online booking request form. Please note: we ask that school trips are booked at least a week in advance of your visit.
Our Education and Outreach Coordinator will be in touch to answer any questions or discuss your options in advance of your visit.
Get in Touch
Tel. 01223 767044
Email museum@classics.cam.ac.uk
Before your visit
Please read our teacher's pack for more information about our museum and your visit