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black and white photograph of George Bean seated with a local Turkish guide and another man

In August 1963, George traveled around Turkey with friends. From Milas to Magnesia, from Ephesus to Teos, George visited Turkish archaeological sites with the intention of writing a series of scholarly and informed guide books. In the following year and between 1967 to 1977, George spent much of his time writing and traveling. Lycian Turkey, his final volume, was published a year after his death.

After over 40 years since the first publication, George's archaeological guidebooks are still considered highly informative and essential companions to the archaeologically minded traveler.


The Archaeological Guidebook Series

G.E. Bean Aegean Turkey: An Archaeological Guide (London, 1966)

G.E. Bean Turkey's Southern Shore: An Archaeological Guide (London, 1968)

G.E. Bean Turkey Beyond the Maeander: An Archaeological Guide (London, 1971)

G.E Bean Journeys in Northern Lycia 1965-1967 (Wien, 1971)

G.E. Bean Lycian Turkey: An Archaeological Guide (London, 1978)


black and white photo of rock-cut tombs/apertures in a hillside

Rock-cut tombs, Caunus 1939-60 (D10.46)

Every cast tells two stories.
One ancient. One modern.

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Sat (univ. term-time only): 2pm-5pm
Sun and Monday: Closed

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