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Summer at the Museums 23rd July until 31st August. Fun activities wherever you are.

Fun activities wherever you are

Whether you are looking for a great day out or fun activities to do at home, Summer with the Museums has it all. This year, museums in Cambridge and beyond are offering a range of events, activities, trails and resources both in-person and online. So whatever the weather and wherever you are, you can still enjoy some museum-themed fun. 

Scroll down to see what MoCA has in store for Summer at the Museums or explore the University of Cambridge Museums website for even more to get stuck into!

Events & Activities at the Museum of Classical Archaeology


Cutting a Fine Figure

Online event, booking required

Wed, 28 July 2021, 10:00 – 11:00 BST

Join artist Susie Olczak for an online arts and crafts workshop inspired by Ancient Greek and Roman statues. Susie will be showing you how to create art from cardboard and household materials live from the museum. 

 Find out more about the event or watch the a video version of the workshop.


Statue Yoga

Self led activity


Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be one of our casts? This activity will take you through a yoga-like routine, letting you try out some of the casts’ poses.

Find out more, watch our video and download the guide.


Hands On

Self led activity

What are the hands of our casts up to? This quiz like activity will show you the parts of our statues which are often overlooked, and test your detective skills!

Find out more and explore the quiz.

A huge thank you to Dhakshayani 5 yrs, Freya 6 yrs, Hanae 4 yrs, Haruki 8 yrs, Izzy 8 yrs, Lydia 8 yrs, Mattia 6 yrs, Micah 5 yrs, Naomi 8 yrs, and Stephen 6 yrs from the Children and Young People’s Participation Service online ‘Draw it with ChYpPS’ group for creating the main artwork for this year's programme.

Every cast tells two stories.
One ancient. One modern.

Admission is free.


Opening hours

Tues-Fri: 10am-5pm
Sat (univ. term-time only): 2pm-5pm
Sun and Monday: Closed

Closed on Bank Holidays


Saturday Opening

We are currently open on Saturdays from Saturday 25 January until Saturday 15 March 2025, inclusive.

Please note: We are open on Saturdays only during University of Cambridge term time.


Visit us

Museum of Classical Archaeology
Faculty of Classics
Sidgwick Avenue

We do not have an entrance on the road. Find us inside the Sidgwick Site.


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Get in touch

Tel. +44 (0)1223 330402


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All images and material on our websites are ©Museum of Classical Archaeology, University of Cambridge unless otherwise stated. If you would like to reproduce our images, you can now do so for non-commercial use at no charge.

See also our Copyright Notice and Take Down Policy.