1 |
Ovidiana Graeca: fragments of a Byzantine version of Ovid’s amatory works P.E. Easterling and E.J. Kenney (1965) |
2 |
Greece and Egypt in the archaic age M.M. Austin (1970) |
3 |
The Eudemian and Nicomachean Ethics: a study in the development of Aristotle’s thought C.J. Rowe (1971) |
4 |
The ideology of the Athenian metic David Whitehead (1977) hard copy out of stock |
5 |
Towards a text of ‘Anthologia Latina’ D.R. Shackleton Bailey (1979) |
6 |
Non-slave labour in the Greco-Roman world ed. Peter Garnsey (1980) |
7 |
Lands and peoples in Roman poetry: the ethnographical tradition Richard F. Thomas (1982) |
8 |
Trade and famine in classical antiquity ed. Peter Garnsey and C.R. Whittaker (1983) |
9 |
Plato’s arguments for forms Robert William Jordan (1983) |
10 |
Aristotle and the Stoics F.H. Sandbach (1985) |
11 |
Ovid’s Metamorphoses and the traditions of Augustan poetry Peter E. Knox (1986) hard copy out of stock |
12 |
Jews and godfearers at Aphrodisias: Greek inscriptions with commentary J. Reynolds and R. Tannenbaum (1987) |
13 |
John Caius and the manuscripts of Galen Vivian Nutton (1987) |
14 |
Pastoral economies in classical antiquity ed. C.R. Whittaker (1988) |
15 |
Studies in Latin literature and its tradition in honour of C.O. Brink ed. J. Diggle, J.B. Hall and H.D. Jocelyn (1989) |
16 |
Images of authority: papers presented to Joyce Reynolds on the occasion of her 70th birthday ed. Mary Margaret Mackenzie and Charlotte Roueché (1989) |
17 |
Studies in the Dionysiaca of Nonnus ed. Neil Hopkinson (1994) |
18 |
Wackernagel’s Law and the placement of the copula ‘esse’ in classical Latin J.N. Adams (1994) |
19 |
The curse of exile: a study of Ovid’s Ibis Gareth D. Williams (1996) |
20 |
Juvenal’s Mayor: the professor who lived on 2d. a day John Henderson (1998) |
21 |
Studies in Heliodorus ed. Richard Hunter (1998) |
22 |
amor: roma. Love and Latin literature (essays presented to E.J. Kenney) ed. Susanna Morton Braund and Roland Mayer (1999) |
23 |
Ovidian transformations: essays on the Metamorphoses and its reception ed. Philip Hardie, Alessandro Barchiesi and Stephen Hinds (1999) |
24 |
Classics in 19th and 20th century Cambridge: curriculum, culture and community ed. Christopher Stray (1999) |
25 |
Pyrrhonian inquiry Marta Anna Włodarczyk (2000) |
26 |
Production and public powers in classical antiquity ed. E. Lo Cascio and D.W. Rathbone (2000) |
27 |
Economy and politics in the Mycenaean palace states: proceedings of a conference held on 1–3 July 1999 in the Faculty of Classics, Cambridge ed. Sofia Voutsaki and John Killen (2001) |
28 |
The owl of Minerva: the Cambridge praelections of 1906. Reassessments of Richard Jebb, James Adam, Walter Headlam, Henry Jackson, William Ridgeway and Arthur Verrall ed. Christopher Stray (2005) |
29 |
Greeks on Greekness: viewing the Greek past under the Roman Empire ed. David Konstan and Suzanne Saïd (2006) |
30 |
Paideia Romana: Cicero’s Tusculan Disputations Ingo Gildenhard (2007) hard copy out of stock |
31 |
Ennius perennis: the Annals and beyond ed. William Fitzgerald and Emily Gowers (2007) |
32 |
Greek and Latin from an Indo-European perspective ed. Coulter George, Matthew McCullagh, Benedicte Nielsen, Antonia Ruppel and Olga Tribulato (2007) |
33 |
Theophrastus and his world Paul Millett (2007) |
34 |
Unclassical traditions I: alternatives to the classical past in late antiquity |
35 |
Unclassical traditions II: perspectives from east and west in late antiquity |
36 |
Ratio et res ipsa: classical essays presented by former pupils to James Diggle on his retirement ed. Paul Millett, S.P. Oakley and R.J.E. Thompson (2011) |
37 |
Menander: eleven plays Colin Austin (2013) |
38 |
Sophocles’ Jebb: a life in letters Christopher Stray (2013) |
39 |
Varro varius: the polymath of the Roman world ed. D.J. Butterfield (2015) |
40 |
Word and context in Latin poetry: studies in memory of David West ed. A. J. Woodman and Jakob Wisse (2017) |
41 |
Augustus and the destruction of history: the politics of the past in early imperial Rome ed. Ingo Gildenhard, Ulrich Gotter, Wolfgang Havener and Louise Hodgson (2019) |
42 |
Simonides Lyricus: essays on the ‘other’classical choral lyric poet ed. Peter Agócs and Lucia Prauscello (2020) |
43 | Poems without poets: approaches to anonymous ancient poetry ed. B. Kayachev (2021) |
44 | Steely-eyed Athena. Wilmer Cave Wright and the advent of female Classicists David Neal Greenwood (2022) |
45 |
Munere mortis. Studies in Greek literature in memory of Colin Austin edited by Eftychia Bathrellou and Margherita Maria Di Nino (2022) |
46 | Sensing Greek Drama edited by Zachary Case, Marcus Ellis and Antonia Marie Reinke (2024) |
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