The Regulations and Supplementary Regulations relating to papers in Classical Greek and Classical Latin can be found in full in the latest edition of Statutes and Ordinances issued by the University.
Some Classical Part II papers are also available to candidates for the Archaeological and Anthropological Tripos in Part IIA and Part IIB and for Part II of the English Tripos, the Historical Tripos, the Linguistics Tripos, the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos, and the Philosophy Tripos. For further details consult the University Statutes and Ordinances.
Classical Papers available in the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos
Parts IA and IB
Students studying in the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos are able to combine a modern language with either Classical Latin or Classical Greek in the first and second years (Parts IA and IB).
Relevant information can be found on the MMLL wbsite.
If, having read through these notes, you need further guidance, you should approach your Director of Studies in MMLL, who may refer you for detailed advice on particular papers to your college’s Director of Studies in Classics. You may also wish to consult the MMLL and Classics Liaison Officers, Dr Myrto Hatzimichali ( in Classics and Dr Regina Karousou Fokas ( in MMLL.
Part II
An MMLL student who has completed his or her year abroad and has returned to take Part II may take up to two papers from the list of papers known as ‘Schedule D’ in the MML Tripos. Schedule D (given below) contains a selection of papers from Part II of the Classical Tripos.
Schedule D
The Classics papers available to MMLL candidates taking Part II in 2024/25 are:
- Paper A1: Homer, Odyssey and/or Virgil, Aeneid
- Paper A2: Greek Poetry of the Roman Empire
- Paper A3: Horace's, Odes
- Paper B1: Plato
- Paper B2: Aristotle on Soul and Body
- Paper C4: The Transformation of the Roman world, AD 284–476
- Paper D1: Aegean Prehistory
- Paper D2: Beyond Classical Art
- Paper D3: Visual Narratives
- Paper D4: Empire's Legacy: the transformations of Roman Italy, 350 BC to AD 300
- Paper E1: Elements of Comparative Linguistics
- Paper E2: Greek in the Bronze Age
- Paper E3:Olim Faunei Vatesque Canebant: the cration of Latin
- Paper X1: Classics Live
- Paper X2: Gods of Greece and Rome
The Part II Courses section will provide further details on each paper.
In general on choice of Papers in MML Part II, see