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Faculty of Classics

Supervisor: Prof. Tim Whimarsh
College: King's
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Identification, Sign, Fantasy - Unsettling the Greek Romantic Body through Psychoanalytic Theory
Supervisor: Prof. Ingo Gildenhard
College: Christ's
Title of Thesis: Empire and Poetry in the Roman Republic
Supervisor: Prof. Michael Squire
College: Sidney Sussex
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Reviewing Ecphrasis in the Younger Philostratus’ Imagines
Supervisor: Prof. Ingo Gildenhard
College: Newnham
Title of Thesis: Classics and the Far-Right after 1945
Supervisor: Prof. Caroline Vout
College: Christ's
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Personifications of Virtues, Benefits and Ideals in the 3rd-Century AD Roman West
Supervisor: Dr Laura Castelli
College: St Edmund's
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Properties of Size as Catalysts for Philosophical Thought in Plato
Supervisor: Dr Myrto Hatzimichali
College: Christ's
Title of Thesis: Individuals in Aristotle
Supervisor: Prof. Martin Millett
College: Downing
Title of Thesis (preliminary): The Roman Houses in London
Supervisor: Dr Lea Niccolai
College: King's
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Between Empire and Kingdom: The Western Roman State 454-476
Supervisor: Prof. James Clackson
College: Jesus College
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Syntactic Change in Post-Classical Greek: A Usage-Based Approach
Supervisor: Dr Alessandro Launaro
College: Newnham
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Change Set in Stone: A Social Economic Analysis of Gallo-Roman Figurative Votives
Supervisor: Prof. Tim Whimarsh
College: Corpus Christi
Title of Thesis (preliminary): The Centonic Gospel - A Comparison of Proba's and Eudocia's Biblical Epic Centos
Supervisor: Dr Lea Niccolai
College: King's
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Space, Place, and Self-Presentation in Gregory of Nazianzus
Supervisor: Prof. James Warren
College: Corpus Christi
Title of Thesis: The Social Organisation of the Epicurean Community
Supervisor: Dr Rebecca Laemmle
College: Trinity
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Scrutinising Identity through Space and Time in Imperial Greek Fictional Travel Narratives
Supervisor: Dr Laura Castelli
College: King's
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Alexander of Aphrodisias on the Nature and Structure of Deliberation
Supervisor: Prof. Gábor Betegh
College: Pembroke
Title of Thesis (preliminary): The Concept of Law in Plato
Supervisor: Prof. Emily Gowers
College: Trinity
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Ovid’s Metamorphoses and the Problem of Ecopoetics
Supervisor: Dr Frisbee Sheffield
College: Corpus Christi
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Wonder in Plato and Aristotle
Supervisor: Prof. Tim Whitmarsh
College: St John's
Title of Thesis: Traditions of Tenderness: Gender, Sensibility, and the Classics in Eighteenth-Century Britain
 Dominique  Goddard
Supervisor: Dr Alessandro Launaro
College: St. John's
Title of Thesis: Commonwares and Consumer Identity in Roman Italy
Supervisor: Prof. Renaud Gagné
College: Lucy Cavendish
Title of Thesis (preliminary): τὰ ἄλλα κτήνεα: Animals in the Religious Life of Early Greece
Supervisor: Prof. Ingo Gildenhard
College: King's
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Ovid's Metamorphoses and the Platonic Corpus
Supervisor: Dr Rebecca Lämmle
College: Newnham
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Choral Narrative and Audience Experience in Tragedy
Supervisor: Prof. Robin Osborne
College: Darwin
Title of Thesis: A Study of Political Borders and Their Formation in the Hellenistic Period
Supervisor: Prof. Tim Whitmarsh
College: King's
Title of Thesis: Embodied Time in Nonnus' Dionysiaca
Supervisor: Prof. James Clackson
College: Jesus College
Title of Thesis: talis homo, qualis oratio - Language choices, self-positioning and social background in Latin letters from the late Republic
Supervisor: Prof. Gábor Betegh
College: Christ's
Title of Thesis: Chorus and Cacophony: Philosophy as Khoreia in the Works of Plato
Supervisor: Prof. James Warren
College: Corpus Christi
Title of Thesis: Aristotle’s Philosophy of Energeia
 Thomas  Kelly
Supervisor: Prof. Gábor Betegh
College: Peterhouse
Title of Thesis: Greek "Scribal" Mathematics in Late Antiquity
Supervisor: Dr Rupert Thompson
College: Peterhouse
Title of Thesis: The Development of the Greek ‘Stress’ Accent in Late Antique Poetic Composition
Supervisor: Prof. Gábor Betegh
College: Robinson
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Existence and Use of Race in Antiquity
Supervisor: Prof. James Clackson
College: Jesus College
Title of Thesis: Multilingualism in Roman Judaea-Palestine
 Jessica  Lawrence
Supervisor: Prof. Ingo Gildenhard
College: Christ's
Title of Thesis: 21st Century Female Receptions of Homer
Supervisor: Dr Torsten Meißner
College: Pembroke
Title of Thesis (preliminary): The Ethnobotany of the Bronze Age Aegean
Supervisor: Prof. James Warren
College: Corpus Christi
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Socrates' Reference to Ghosts in "Phaedo" 81c8-e3
Supervisor: Prof. Renaud Gagné
College: Corpus Christi
Title of Thesis: The Collective Moment: Reading Time in the Greek Anthology
Supervisor: Prof. Tim Whitmarsh
College: Newnham
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Δρᾶμα σκυθρωπόν: Death Aesthetics in the Ancient Greek Novel
Supervisor: Dr Lea Niccolai
College: Darwin
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Demons and the Dynamics of Fear in Late Antiquity
Supervisor: Prof. Richard Hunter
College: Fitzwilliam
Title of Thesis (preliminary): The Reception of the Iliad in Plato’s Republic
Supervisor: Prof. Philip Hardie
College: Peterhouse
Title of Thesis (preliminary): The Poetics of Pregnancy and Parturition in the Works of Ovid
Supervisor: Dr Frisbee Sheffield
College: Downing
Title of Thesis (preliminary): The Position of the Individual in Plato’s Republic - An Afro-Communitarian Reading
Supervisor: Dr Laura Castelli
College: Christ's
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Plato's Sophist
Supervisor: Dr David Butterfield
College: Peterhouse
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Latinitas and its Development in the Fifteenth-Century
Supervisor: Prof. Simon Goldhill
College: King's
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Temporality and Identity in the Jewish Sibylline Oracles
Supervisor: Prof. Christopher Whitton
College: Lucy Cavendish
Title of Thesis (preliminary): The Reception of Ovid in the Minor Declamations
Supervisor: Prof. Martin Millett
College: Darwin
Title of Thesis (preliminary): The People, Plants, and Landscape of Roman Yorkshire
Supervisor: Prof. Christopher Kelly
College: King's
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Remembering the Roman Empire in Late Antiquity
Supervisor: Prof. James Warren
College: Magdalene
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Lucretius and Epicurus: Hellenistic Schools and their Founders
Supervisor: Prof. Philip Hardie
College: Christ's
Title of Thesis: The Sublime in the Latin Literature of Late Antiquity
Supervisor: Prof. Gábor Betegh
College: Christ's
Title of Thesis: Plato's Timaeus
Teaching Associate in Classics
Postgraduate student at Downing College
Supervisor: Dr Frisbee Sheffield
College: Wolfson
Title of Thesis: A Study of Spirited Motivation in Plato and Aristotle
Supervisor: Prof. Tim Whitmarsh
College: Clare
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Historical Feelings in the Second Sophistic
Supervisor: Dr Yannis Galanakis
College: Girton
Title of Thesis: Rhodes and the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean world
Supervisor: Prof. James Warren
College: Darwin
Title of Thesis: The Philosophical Relevance of the Aristotelian Constitution of the Athenians
Supervisor: Dr Nick Zair
College: Newnham
Title of Thesis: The Influence of Variant Case Endings on our Understanding of Latin Onomastics
Supervisor: Prof. Caroline Vout
College: Jesus College
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Perceptions of the Corpse in Roman Literature
Supervisor: Prof. James Warren
College: St Catharine's
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Language and Imagination in the Dialogues of Plato
Supervisor: Prof. Robin Osborne
College: Jesus College
Title of Thesis (preliminary): The Divine in Ancient Historiography
Supervisor: Dr Myrto Hatzimichali
College: Peterhouse
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Implicit Gender Bias: A Critical Analysis of the Equality of Plato’s Women
Supervisor: Dr Yannis Galanakis
College: Magdalene
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Acquiring the Mediterranean: Exploring local agencies in the acquisition of antiquities from Greece and the Ottoman Empire by Charles Newton at the British Museum, 1861-1886
Supervisor: Prof. Renaud Gagné
College: Newnham
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Poetics of Worldmaking in Ancient Greek Hymnic Tradition
Supervisor: Prof. Robin Osborne
College: Christ's
Title of Thesis (preliminary): Manufacturing Miniaturisation: The Making of Miniature Deities in the Greco-Roman World
Supervisors: Prof. Torsten Meissner and Dr Philippa Steele
College: Darwin
Title of Thesis (preliminary): The Visual and Linguistic Structure of Early Cretan Writing
Supervisor: Renaud Gagné
College: Trinity
Title of Thesis: Hesiod Unveiled: The 'other poet' among the exegetes
Supervisor: Dr Rebecca Flemming
College: Christ's
Title of Thesis: Elite Culture, Freedmen and Manumission: A Comparative Study of Imperial Rome and China

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