The following meetings of the Philological Society have been arranged for the academic year 2024-25. The meetings will be taking place in-person, and tea will be available beforehand from 4.00pm. Those meetings held in the Classics Faculty will also be live-streamed via Zoom.
23 January 2025: 4.30pm, Room G.21, (& on Zoom)
Dr Laura Castelli, University of Cambridge
Aristotle and the Presocratics: the case of "the so-called Pythagoreans"
27 February 2025: 4.30pm, Room G.21, (& on Zoom)
Dr Shushma Malik, University of Cambridge
‘A Valuable Gift?: Giving, Buying and Selling Citizenship in Roman Historiography from Augustus to the Constitutio Antoniniana’
13 March 2025: 4.30pm, Room G.21, (& on Zoom)
Dr Thea Sommerschield, University of Nottingham
When machines learn Ancient History - what could possibly go wrong? Lessons from AI ethics
8 May 2025 4.30pm, Room G.21, (& on Zoom) [event hosted jointly with Cambridge Centre for Greek Studies]:
Prof. Felix Budelmann and Dr Saskia Peels-Matthey, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Imagining divine presence at the theoxeny
22 May 2025: 4.30pm, Newnham College (room tbc)
Dr Chris Stray, Department of History, Heritage and Classics, Swansea University
Two Centuries of the Classical Tripos
More information about the Philological society and about how to become a member (which includes a subscription to CCJ) can be found at
We look forward to seeing you at some or all of the meetings!
Dr Helen Van Noorden (Programme Secretary)