Are you homeschooling? Do you want to learn a little bit of Latin? Pupils and children will now be able to learn Latin with the Museum of Classical Archaeology and students from the Faculty of Classics.
Students studying Classics from the Faculty of Classics are creating engaging online resources aimed at primary school children with no prior knowledge of Latin or the Ancient World. They will be free and available from this page, with new resources added every week. Our students (some of whom have only recently learned Latin themselves) are eager to share their love of Latin online and to try teaching the next generation.
Over the next eight weeks, we will be releasing new resources every Monday. Each week will have a different theme. All tasks and activities are designed to take around 15 minutes, giving you the flexibility to do as little or as much as you want in one day or even one week.
Introductory videos and instruction/answer sheets will also be available.
Watch the first introductory video on numbers and introductions here (with captions).
Traditionally, the Museum co-ordinates after-school Latin clubs in 6 local primary schools: we send Classics Faculty students to teach Latin in local state schools. This year this has not been possible. Fortunately our students are prepared to meet this challenge and are working on new online resources, which parents and teachers will be able to use to teach Latin from scratch.
Have you used any of these resources? We would love to know what you think. Please consider completing our very short online survey, which should take no longer than five minutes:
Learn Latin with MOCA online survey
List of Contents
Week 2: Animals, Colours and Verbs
Week 1: Getting to Know You.
In this first lesson, we will see:
- Greetings: How the Romans greeted each other in Latin.
- Numerals: How to say and write numbers in Latin.
- Etymology: How some English words come from Latin words.
Introductory video
Activities and resources
Activity Plan
Week 2: Animals, Colours and Verbs.
In the 2nd lesson, we will see:
- Animals: Learn about farm animals with Lucius.
- Verbs: How to say the sheep walks and more!
- Colours: Use Latin to describe the animals.
- More Derivatives!
Introductory Video
Activities and Resources
Activity Plan
- Week 2 Instructions (docx)
- Welcome to Lucius' Farm: Animal Vocabulary (pdf)
- Welcome to Lucius's Farm: Animal Vocabulary Accessible (pdf)
- Latin Animals Crossword (docx)
- Colours Worksheet (docx)
Answer Sheets
Week 3: Family and Nouns.
In the third week we will learn:
- Nouns: Latin nouns have cases and genders!
- Family: How to introduce your family in Latin
- Names: A challenging exercise about complicated Roman names.
Introductory Video
Activities and Resources
Week 4: Town and House. 
In this week we will learn:
- House and Town: What were Roman houses and Towns like? Learn new vocabulary.
- Verbs: Learn more about verbs with Lucious
- Nouns: Meet the Nominative and Accusative Neuter and build your first Latin sentences.
Introductory Video
Activities and Resources
House and Town
Nouns and Prepositions:
- Revise nominative and accusative worksheet (doc)
- Prepositions Worksheet (doc)
- Neuter nouns worksheet (doc)
- Latin Sentences Worksheet (doc)
Answer Sheets
Week 5: Roman Baths.
In this week we will learn:
- Roman Baths: What were the Roman baths like? Learn new vocabulary.
- Nominative and Accusative Plural: Learn how to form the plural in the nominative and accusative.
- Revision: Revise what you have learnt so far, and meet the might of Neptune, God of the Sea!
Introductory Video
Activities and Resources
Roman Baths
- Roman Baths Introduction (doc)
- Roman Baths Exercises (doc)
Plurals: Nominative and Accusative Nouns
Story Time and Fun Activities
- Read a story in Latin (doc)
- Label Your House exercise (doc)
- Have Fun with a Puzzle! (pdf)
Week 6: Food
Introductory video
Activities and resources
Roman Dinner Parties:
Latin Sentences:
Week 7: Roman Jobs
In this week we will learn:
Jobs: Walk through the forum and meet people from all sorts of professions.
Adjectives: Learn how to use adjectives to describe things in Latin.
Introductory Video
Activities and resources
- A walk through the Forum, an introductory activity (doc)
- What do you want to be when you grow up? Roman Jobs Exercise (doc)
Week 8: Roman Myths
In this week we will learn:
Roman Myths
Theatre and Amphitheatre
Introductory Video
Activities and Resources
Roman Myths
- The Story of Medusa (pptx)
- Philemon and Baucis (docx)
- Judgement of Paris (docx)
Roman Theatre
Answer Sheets