Book this workshop and discover the world of ancient Greece. Our atmospheric Cast Gallery is the perfect space to explore the gods and heroes from myth, and to learn about ancient Greek culture and life.
Age: 7-11 (KS2)
Curriculum links: History (Ancient Greeks); English (Storytelling)
Maximum group size: 35 (minimum 10 for a visit led by us)
Session time: 45-90 minutes
Session type: museum-led or self-led
No charges apply
KS2: Ancient Greeks
An Ancient Greeks session, facilitated by our Education and Outreach Coordinator or led by you, is specially designed to support the curriculum, to inspire your students and to enhance their studies. We can plan our session to fit your timetable, offering anything between 45 and 90 minutes – it's up to you.
For a 90-minute session facilitated by us, we suggest the following breakdown:
- Whole class session in Bay C: looking at the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, our Museum and Education Coordinator will tell the story of Pelops and Oinomaos, and will use questions and discussion to cover topics including Greek religion, myth, the Olympic Games, and even how plaster casts themselves were made. (30 mins)
- Group work in various Bays, guided by your adult leaders: this part of the session encourages students to explore the Museum using the Key Stage 2 Greeks Workpack. By splitting into groups working in different parts of the Museum, students can discover themes among the statues including ancient athletics or gods and goddesses. You choose which themes from the workpack your students should cover. (45 mins)
- Whole class session back together in Bay C: our Museum and Education Coordinator will bring you back together again before you leave to answer any questions the students may have.
You can also use the workpack to lead a session yourselves: it is designed for use in self-led sessions as well those facilitated by our Education and Outreach Coordinator.
Please note: nudity is a feature of classical sculpture and there is no avoiding it in our Cast Gallery. Our Education and Outreach Coordinator will address the nakedness on display in an age-appropriate way with your students during your session.
KS2 Ancient Greeks Workpack
- Download the KS2 Ancient Greeks Museum Workpack (pdf)
- Download the KS2 Ancient Greeks Museum Workpack (accessible pdf)
- Download the KS2 Ancient Greeks Teacher's Answer Sheets (pdf)
- Further resources: Greeks Home Learning Resources
How to Book
To make a booking, please use our online booking request form. Please note: we ask that school trips are booked at least a week in advance of your visit.
Our Education and Outreach Coordinator will be in touch to answer any questions or discuss your options in advance of your visit.
Get in Touch
Tel. 01223 767044
Before your visit
Please read our teacher's pack for more information about our museum and your visit
Useful Links