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Cambridge Classical Journal (formerly Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society) is an annual scholarly journal, now published by Cambridge University Press, together with a full electronic archive, as part of Cambridge Journals Online.


The journal publishes articles covering all aspects of the Classical world and its reception: the editors welcome unsolicited submissions from all areas of Classical scholarship. All manuscripts should be submitted via CCJ's online submission system, which can be found at: must be made in both Microsoft Word and PDF formats, suitably anonymised. Contributors should also include the word count. An abstract (maximum 250 words) should also be submitted with the manuscript

Contributors are advised to retain a copy of the paper.

Submission of a paper is taken to imply that it has not been previously published and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Authors of articles published in the journal retain copyright.

Submissions will be sent to anonymous referee(s) whose comments and recommendation will then be conveyed to the author by the editors. Authors should not include their name or any references which may identify them to the reviewer on the typescript.


Authors are asked to conform to the journal’s house style, detailed here (pdf document).


CCJ Supplements are occasional publications in the form of academic monographs or collected papers. They are printed in hard copy and released as ebooks on all standard platforms. Proposals for supplements are welcome, and should be sent to Assistant Professor Henry Spelman, Christ's College, Cambridge, CB2 3BU, United Kingdom. Email:

When judging proposals, the editors will look primarily to academic merit, considered in terms of (i) the quality of the research and writing, and (ii) the likely appeal to a wide, international market. Supplements can deal with any area within Classics, defined in the very broadest terms (including the reception of the Classical world and methodologies). Work at the cutting edge of the field in question is particularly invited, but more traditional work will not be discriminated against. Dr Spelman would be happy to discuss projects informally.

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