Greek Religion
Early Greek Literature
Anthropology and Classics
Ancient Cultural History
History of Classical Scholarship
Ancestral Fault in Ancient Greece, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy, co-editor (with M. Hopman), Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Sacrifices humains. Perspectives croisées et représentations, co-editor (with P. Bonnechere), Presses Universitaires de Liège, 2013.
Regimes of Comparatism: Frameworks of Comparison in History, Religion and Anthropology, co-editor (with S. Goldhill and G. E. R. Lloyd), Brill, 2018.
Les dieux d'Homère II. Anthropomorphismes, co-editor (with M. Herrero), De Boccard, 2019.
Cosmography and the Idea of Hyperborea in Ancient Greece: A Philology of Worlds, Cambridge University Press, 2021.
▪ "What is the Pride of Halicarnassus?" Classical Antiquity 25.1 (2006): 1-33.
▪ "L'esthétique de la peur chez Empédocle," Revue de philosophie ancienne 24.3 (2006): 83-110.
▪ "Inherited Guilt in E. R. Dodds," Quaderni di storia 67 (2007): 16-33.
▪ "Winds and Ancestors: The Physika of Orpheus," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 103 (2007): 1-24.
▪ "The Sins of the Fathers: C.A. Lobeck and K.O. Müller," Kernos: Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque ancienne 21 (2008): 109-124.
▪ "Themis at Eleusis: Clement of Alexandria, Protrepticus 2.22.5" (with Miguel Herrero), Classical Quarterly 59.1 (2008): 270-274.
▪ "Spilling the Sea Out of its Cup: Solon's Elegy to the Muses," Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica 133 (2009): 23-49.
▪ "Atreid Ancestors in Alkaios," Journal of Hellenic Studies 129 (2009): 39-43.
▪ "A Wolf at the Table: Sympotic Perjury in Archilochus," Transactions of the American Philological Association 139.2 (2009): 249-272.
▪ "Mystery Inquisitors: Performance, Sacrilege, and Authority at Eleusis," Classical Antiquity 28.2 (2009): 211-247.
▪ "Works and Nights" (with R. Höschele), Cambridge Classical Journal 55 (2009): 59-72.
▪ "Invisible Kin: Works and Days 280-285 and the Myth of Races," Hermes. Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie 138.1 (2010): 1-21.
▪ "The Poetics of Exoleia in Homer," Mnemosyne. A Journal of Classical Studies 62 (2010): 353-380.
▪ "Haereditarium Piaculum: Aspects of Ancient Greek Religion in the 17th Century," Gewalt und Opfer. Im Dialog mit Walter Burkert, ed. A. Bierl and W. Braungart, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter (MEP 2) (2011): 115-148.
▪ "Une carte de mémoires: l'épigramme de Salmacis," Griechische Heiligtümer als Erinnerungsorte. Von der Archaik bis den Hellenismus, ed. M. Haake and M. Jung, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag (2012): 129-163.
▪ "The Chorus in the Middle" (with M. Hopman), Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy, ed. R. Gagné and M. Hopman, Cambridge University Press (2013): 1-35.
▪ "Dancing Letters: The Alphabetic Tragedy of Kallias," Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy, ed. R. Gagné and M. Hopman, Cambridge University Press (2013): 282-307.
▪ "Le sacrifice humain : un phénomène au fil d'Ariane évanescent" (with P. Bonnechere), Sacrifices humains. Perspectives croisées et représentations, ed. P. Bonnechere and R. Gagné, Liège (2013): 7-20.
▪ "Zeus Laphystios and Athamas (Herodotus 7.197)," Sacrifices humains. Perspectives croisées et représentations, ed. P. Bonnechere and R. Gagné, Liège (2013): 101-118.
▪ "Poétiques de la chrèsmodie : l'oracle de Glaukos (Hérodote 6.86)," Kernos: Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque ancienne 26 (2014): 95-109.
▪ "'How Should I Hymn You?' Literary Evidence: Poetry," The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion, ed. Esther Eidinow and Julia Kindt, Oxford University Press (2015): 83-96.
▪ "La Catabase Aérienne de Thespésios : Le Statut du Récit," Les Études Classiques 83 (2015): 313-328.
▪ "The World in a Cup: Ekpomatics In and Out of the Symposium," The Cup of Song: Ancient Greek Poetry and the Symposium, ed. V. Cazzato, D. Obbink, and E. Prodi, Oxford University Press (2016): 207-229.
▪ "Who's afraid of Cypselus? Contested Theologies and Dynastic Anathēmata," Theologies of Ancient Greek Religion, ed. Esther Eidinow, Julia Kindt, Robin Osborne, Cambridge University Press (2016): 62-88.
▪ "Ideas, belief, unknowability: Euripides, Hippolytus 832–833 and 1379–1383", Πλειών. Papers in memory of Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, ed. A. Kavoulaki, Rethymno (2017): 241-256.
▪ "Regimes of Comparatism," Regimes of Comparatism: Frameworks of Comparison in History, Religion and Anthropology, ed. R. Gagné, S. Goldhill, and G. E. R. Lloyd, Leiden, Brill (2018): 1-17.
▪ "The Isis of Turin Affair," Regimes of Comparatism: Frameworks of Comparison in History, Religion and Anthropology, ed. R. Gagné, S. Goldhill, and G. E. R. Lloyd, Leiden, Brill (2018): 210-243.
▪ "The Battle for the Irrational: Greek Religion 1920-1950," Rediscovering E. R. Dodds, ed. S. Harrison, C. Pelling, C. A. Stray, Oxford University Press (2019): 36-87.
▪ "Sauver les dieux" (with M. Herrero), Les dieux d'Homère II. Anthropomorphismes, ed. R. Gagné and M. Herrero, De Boccard (2019): 7-42.
▪ "Les 'dieux semblables à des étrangers' (Odyssée XVII, 485-487)," Les dieux d'Homère II. Anthropomorphismes, ed. R. Gagné and M. Herrero, De Boccard (2019): 197-234.
▪ "Cosmic Choruses: Metaphor and Performance," Cosmos in the Ancient World, ed. P. S. Horky, Cambridge University Press (2019): 188-211.
▪ “Whose Handmaiden? 'Hellenization' Between Philology and Theology”, Classical Philology and Theology, ed. C. Conybeare and S. Goldhill, Cambridge University Press (2020): 110-125.
▪ « Hyperboreans, Arimaspians and Issedones: Mirages of Ethnicity and the Distant North in Book 4 of the Histories », Ethnicity in Herodotus, éd. T. Figueira et C. Soares, Routledge (2020): 85-102.
▪ “Sémantiques de l'épithète divine : origines et compétence”, Les dieux d'Homère III. Epōnumiai: Questionner les dénominations divines et leur circulation, ed. C. Bonnet and G. Pironti, De Boccard (2021).
▪ “Zeus Panomphaios : réécritures et traditions de l'exégèse ”, Les dieux d'Homère III. Epōnumiai: Questionner les dénominations divines et leur circulation, ed. C. Bonnet and G. Pironti, De Boccard (2021).
▪ « La Fortune de Mégalopolis : Quelques Cités Détruites chez Pausanias », Déluges et autres destructions. Les récits de la fin en Méditerranée orientale ancienne, éd. I. Calini, Garnier (2023): 129-145.
▪ « The Language of Epic Sacrifice », The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Epic, éd. E. Greensmith, Cambridge University Press (2024): 229-257.
▪ « Pindar and the Ritual Language of Greek Polytheism », The Cambridge Companion to Pindar, ed. H. Spelman, Cambridge University Press (2025).
▪ « Greek and Roman: Homeric Sacrifice in Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman Antiquities 7.70-72 », Appropriation: A New Approach to Religion in Antiquity, éd. A. Bendlin et J. Dijkstra, Brill (2025).