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The B Club
Thursday 2 May
Professor Eric Brown (Washington University St Louis), 'Diogenes and the Cynics, cosmpolitans and anarchists'
5pm*, Room 1.11 of the Faculty of Classics
(*Start time may have to be moved a little later to allow colleagues to attend presentations from candidates shortlisted for a University Assistant Professorship in Latin Literature. More details tbc.)
The Philological Society
Thursday 9 May
Prof. Rachel Barney (University of Toronto), ‘Protagoras and the Art of Argument’
4.30pm, Lucia Windsor Room, Newnham College [with AGM prior to the paper]
The Monday Seminar
We will be discussing aspects of the philosophical thought of Prodicus of Ceos.
The first meeting will be at 4.30 on Monday 29 April in room 1.11 of the Faculty of Classics. Laura Castelli will lead the discussion of Prodicus on language.
The Mayweek seminar
28-31 May: Aristotle De Anima book 1. (For information, contact Gábor Betegh: gb230@cam.ac.uk)