I am currently a PhD candidate (2021–25), funded by the Hamied Graduate Studentship (Christ’s College) and a Faculty of Classics Studentship. I previously studied for a BA (2017–20) and MPhil (2020–21) at Christ’s College, Cambridge. I am originally from East Yorkshire.
In Easter Term 2023, I convened the Graduate Interdisciplinary Seminar.
My PhD thesis rethinks the interface between poetry and empire in the Roman republic, focusing in particular on the poets Lucilius and Catullus. I have given papers on Plautus, Ennius, Lucilius, and Catullus in Cambridge, Munich, and Rome.
(2024) ‘BMCR 2024.08.10 Baarda on Hay, Saeculum: defining historical eras in ancient Roman thought’, Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
Available from:
I contributed translations and transcriptions of Latin documents to:
Rowland, D. (2024) Clementi correspondence and other documents, Bologna.
Teaching and Supervisions
I supervise undergraduates from a number of Colleges in Latin unseen translation, Latin prose composition, and Latin literature for Part 1A and Part 1B.
In March 2023 I was nominated for a Cambridge Student Union Student-Led Teaching Award.