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Faculty of Classics



I direct the Herculaneum Conservation Project, and am working on
Herculaneum, Pompeii, Roman urbanism, public and private space, and
Roman cultural identity.


Key publications: 


1983 Suetonius: the Scholar and his Caesars (London, Duckworth and New Haven, Yale University Press; second paperback edition as Suetonius, Bristol Classical Press 1995)

1989 (editor) Patronage in Ancient Society (Leicester-Nottingham Studies in Ancient Society vol. i, Routledge) Incl. Introduction pp 1-13

1991 (edited with J.W. Rich) City and Country in the Ancient World (Leicester-Nottingham Studies in Ancient Society vol. ii, Routledge) Incl. Introduction pp ix-xviii

1993 Augustan Rome (Bristol, Bristol Classical Press/Duckworth)

1994 Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum (Princeton, Princeton University Press) Winner of the AIA James R. Wiseman Book Award, 1995

1997 (edited with R. Laurence) Domestic Space in the Roman World: Pompeii and Beyond (Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series 22)

2001 The British School at Rome: One Hundred Years (London, British School at Rome)

2008 Rome’s Cultural Revolution (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press)

2011 Herculaneum: Past and Future (London, Frances Lincoln); translated as Ercolano: Passato e Futuro (Naples, Arte M and Rome, L’Erma di Bretschneider 2012) and into German as Herculaneum (Darmstadt, von Zabern 2012). Winner of the AIA Felicia A. Holton Book Award, 2013



1981 ‘Galba’s Aequitas’, Numismatic Chronicle 141, 20-39

1981 ‘The emperor and his virtues’, Historia 30, 298-323

1981 ‘Family and inheritance in the Augustan marriage laws’, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 27, 58-80

1982 ‘The golden age and sin in Augustan ideology’, Past & Present 95, 19-36 reprinted in R. Osborne (ed.) Studies in Ancient Greek and Roman Society (Cambridge, Past and Present Publications/CUP, 2004) 159-176  

1982 ‘Civilis princeps: between citizen and king’, Journal of Roman Studies 72, 32-48

1983 ‘Ut pictura poesis?’ (review article), Journal of Roman Studies 73, 180-83

1985 'Propaganda and Dissent' article in Klio:

1985 Review-discussion: Kienast, Buchner, Carettoni, Millar and Segal books on Augustus, Journal of Roman Studies 75, 245-50

1986 Ammianus Marcellinus. The Later Roman Empire (AD 354-378) (London, Penguin Classics) Translation by W Hamilton, introduction and notes by AW-H.

1986 ‘Image and authority in the coinage of Augustus’, Journal of Roman Studies 76, 66-87

1987 ‘Time for Augustus: Ovid, Augustus and the Fasti’ in: M. Whitby et al (eds), Homo Viator. Classical Essays for John Bramble (Bristol, Bristol Classical Press and Illinois, Bolchazi-Carducci) 221-30

1988 ‘Augustus’ Metamorphoses’, JACT Review series 2 no. 4, 18-23

1988 ‘Greek knowledge, Roman power’ (review article on E. Rawson, Intellectual Life in the Late Roman Republic), Classical Philology 83 (3), 224-33

1988 ‘The social structure of the Roman house’, Papers of the British School at Rome 56, 43-97

1989 ‘Patronage in Roman society’ in A. Wallace-Hadrill (ed.) Patronage in Ancient Society (London, Routledge) 63-87

1989 ‘Rome’s cultural revolution’ (review article on P. Zanker, The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus), Journal of Roman Studies 79, 157-64

1990 ‘Pliny the Elder and man’s unnatural history’, Greece & Rome 37 (1), 80-96

1990 ‘Roman arches and Greek honours: the language of power at Rome’, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 36, 143-81

1991 ‘Elites and trade in the Roman town’, in J. W. Rich and A. Wallace-Hadrill (eds.) City and Country in the Ancient World (London, Routledge) 241-72

1991 ‘Houses and households: sampling Pompeii and Herculaneum’, in B. Rawson (ed.) Marriage, Divorce and Children in Ancient Rome (Oxford, OUP and Canberra, Humanities Research Centre) 191-227

1991 ‘Reading Tacitus: Rome observed’, Der altsprachliche Unterricht 34, 3 76-82

1992 ‘The social spread of Roman luxury’, Papers of the British School at Rome 58, 145-92

1995 ‘Public honour and private shame: the urban texture of Pompeii’, in T. Cornell and K. Lomas (eds.) Urban Society in Roman Italy (London, UCL Press) 39-62

1996 ‘The imperial court’, in A. K. Bowman et al. (eds.) The Cambridge Ancient History: The Augustan Empire, 43 BC–AD 69, revised edition, vol. X (Cambridge, CUP) 283-308

1996 ‘Le abitazioni urbane’, in M. Borriello et al. (eds.) Pompei. Abitare sotto il Vesuvio (Ferrara, Ferrara Arte) 13-19

1996 ‘Engendering the Roman house’, in D.E. Kleiner and S.B. Matheson (eds.) I Claudia: Women in Ancient Rome (New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery) 104-15

1997 ‘Rethinking the Roman atrium house’, in R. Laurence and A. Wallace-Hadrill (eds.) Domestic Space in the Roman World: Pompeii and Beyond (Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series) 22, 219-40

1997 ‘Mutatio morum: the idea of a cultural revolution’, in T. Habinek and A. Schiesaro (eds.) The Roman Cultural Revolution (Cambridge, CUP) 3-22

1998 ‘The villa as cultural symbol’, in A. Frazer (ed.) The Roman Villa: Villa Urbana (Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania) 43-53

1998 [with M.G. Fulford] ‘Unpeeling Pompeii’, Antiquity 72, 128-45

1998 [with M.G. Fulford] ‘The house of Amarantus at Pompeii (I, 9, 11-12): an interim report on survey and excavations in 1995-96’ Rivista di Studi Pompeiani 7 (1995-96, publ. 1998) 77-113

1998 ‘Horti and hellenization’, in E. La Rocca and M. Cima (eds.) Horti Romani (Rome, L’Erma di Bretschneider) 1-12

1998 ‘Vivere alla greca per essere Romani’, in S. Settis (ed.) I Greci. Storia Cultura Arte Societa’ 2. Una storia greca. III Trasformazioni (Turin, Einaudi) 939-63

1998 ‘To be Roman, go Greek. Thoughts on hellenization at Rome’, in M. Austin et al. (eds.) Modus Operandi. Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Rickman (London, Institute of Classical Studies) 79-91

1999 [with M.G. Fulford] ‘Towards a history of pre-Roman Pompeii: excavations beneath the House of Amarantus (I.9.11-12), 1995-8’, Papers of the British School at Rome 67, 37-144

2000 ‘Case e abitanti a Roma’, in E. Lo Cascio (ed.) Roma Imperiale. Una Metropoli antica (Rome, Carocci) 173-220

2000 ‘The Roman Revolution and material culture’, in  A. Giovannini and B. Grange (eds.) La Révolution Romaine après Ronald Syme. Bilans et Perspectives (Geneva, Entretiens sur l’Antiquité Classique, vol. 46) 283-321

2001 ‘Case e Società’, in P. G. Guzzo (ed.) Pompei: scienza e società (Atti del convegno, 250o Anniversario degli Scavi di Pompei: Convegno Internazionale Napoli, 25-27 novembre 1998) (Milan, Electa) 113-17

2001 ‘Emperors and houses in Rome’, in S. Dixon (ed.) Childhood, Class and Kin in the Roman World (London and New York, Routledge) 128-43

2002 ‘Rhetoric and Myth-Making at the Court of Nero’, in J-M. Croisille and Y. Perrin (eds.) Neroniana VI: Rome à l’époque néronienne, Institutions et vie politique, économie et société, vie intellectuelle, artistique et spirituelle. Actes du VIe Colloque international de la SIEN (Rome, 19 - 23 mai 1999) (Bruxelles, Collection Latomus vol. 268) 472-78

2003 ‘Domus and Insulae in Rome: Families and Housefuls’, in D. L. Balch and C. Osiek (eds.) Early Christian Families in Context: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue (Ann Arbor, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.) 3-18

2003 ‘Seneca and the Pompeian earthquake’, in A. De Vivo and E. Lo Cascio (eds.) Seneca uomo politico e l’età di Claudio e Nerone. Atti del convegno internazione (Capri 25-27 marzo 1999) (Bari, Scrinia. Collana di studi classici. 17, Edipuglia) 177-192

2003 ‘The Streets of Rome as a Representation of Imperial Power’, in L. de Blois et al. (eds.) The Representation and Perception of Imperial Power. Proceedings of the third Workshop of the international network “Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, c.200 B.C. –A.D. 476)” Netherlands Institute in Rome, March 20-23, 2002 (Amsterdam, Gieben) 189-206

2004 ‘Imaginary feasts: pictures of success on the Bay of Naples’, in A. Gallina Zevi and J. H. Humphrey (eds.) Ostia, Cicero, Gamala, feasts, & the economy : papers in memory of John H. D'Arms (Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series) 57, 109-26

2005 ‘Mutatas Formas: The Augustan Transformation of Roman Knowledge’, in K. Galinsky (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Augustus (Cambridge, CUP) 55-84

2005 ‘Sequence and chronology: Excavation and standing structures in Pompeii Insula I.9’, in P.G. Guzzo and M. P. Guidobaldi (eds.) Nuove Ricerche Archeologiche a Pompei ed Ercolano Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Roma 28 - 30 Novembre 2002 (Naples, Studi della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei 10, Electa) 101-108

2006 ‘Roman topography and the prism of Sir William Gell’, in L. Haselberger and J. H. Humphrey (eds.) Imaging Ancient Rome: Documentation – Visualization—Imagination. Proceedings of the Third Williams Symposium on Classical Architecture (Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series) 61, 285-96

2007 ‘The creation and expression of identity: the Roman world’, in S. Alcock and R. Osborne (eds.) Classical Archaeology (Oxford, Blackwell) 355-380

2007 ‘The development of the Campanian house’, in J. J. Dobbins and P. W. Foss (eds.) The World of Pompeii (New York-Abingdon, Routledge) 279-91

2007 ‘Conservation in the shadow of Vesuvius’, ICON: the Preservation Quarterly of the World Monuments Fund 1, 22-29

2007 ‘Vivre dans une petite ville: de Pompéi à Bliesbruck’, in J.P. Petit and S. Santoro (eds.) Vivre en Europe romaine. De Pompéi à Bliesbruck-Reinheim (Paris, Editions Errance) 61-68

2008 ‘Housing the dead: the tomb as house in Roman Italy’, in L. Brink and D. A. Green (eds.) Commemorating the Dead. Texts and Artifacts in Context (Berlin, New York, de Gruyter) 39-77

2008 [with M.P. Guidobaldi and D. Camardo] ‘Le ricerche archeologiche nell’ambito del Herculaneum Conservation Project’, in P. G. Guzzo and M. P. Guidobaldi (eds.) Nuove ricerche archeologiche nell’area vesuviana (scavi 2003-2006). Atti del convegno internazionale Roma, 1-3 febbraio 2007 (Rome, L’Erma di Bretschneider) 409-24

2009 ‘La corte Flavia’, in F. Coarelli (ed.) Divus Vespasianus: il bimillenario dei Flavi (Milan, Mondadori Electa) 302-11

2009 ‘Courts and Classicists’ (review article on Anthony S. Spawforth, ‘The Court and Court Society in Ancient Monarchies’), The Court Historian 144, 1, 69-74

2011 ‘Pompeian identities: between Oscan, Samnite, Greek, Roman, and Punic’, in E. S. Gruen (ed.) Cultural Identity in the Ancient Mediterranean (Los Angeles, Getty Institute) 415-27

2011 ‘Romanizing frescoes: from the Villa Negroni to Ickworth’, in D. R. Marshall et al. (eds.) Roma Britannica: Art Patronage and Cultural Exchange in Eighteenth-century Rome (London, British School at Rome) 193-203

2011 ‘The Roman imperial court: seen and unseen in the performance of power’, in J. Duindam et al. (eds.) Royal Courts in Dynastic States and Empires: a Global Perspective (Leiden, Boston, Brill) 91-102

2011 ‘The monumental centre of Herculaneum: in search of the identities of public buildings’, Journal of Roman Archaeology 24, 121-60

2011 ‘Ruins and forgetfulness: the case of Herculaneum’, in S. Hales and J. Paul (eds.) Pompeii in the Public Imagination from its Rediscovery to Today (Oxford, OUP) 367-79

2011 ‘Scratching the surface: a case study of domestic graffiti at Pompeii’, in M. Corbier and J-P. Guilhembet (eds.) L’Ecriture dans la maison romaine (Paris, De Boccard) 401-14

2012 ‘Pompei ed Ercolano: due città a confronto’, in P. Zanker and H. Von Hesberg (eds.) Architettura Romana. Le città in Italia (Rome, Electa) 320-39

2012 ‘Romanizzazione’, in A. Giardina and F. Pesando (eds.) Roma Caput Mundi. Una città tra dominio e integrazione (Rome, Electa) 111-16

2013 ‘Novelist versus Historian: Robert Graves on Claudius’, in D. Ward (ed.) Robert Graves and the Mediterranean (Palma, IUB) 17-35

2013 [with R. Osborne] ‘Cities of the Ancient Mediterranean’, in P. Clark (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Cities in World History (Oxford, OUP) 49-65

2013 ‘Hellenistic Pompeii: between Oscan, Greek, Roman and Punic’, in J. Prag and J. Crawley Quinn (eds.) The Hellenistic West: Rethinking the Roman Mediterranean (Cambridge, CUP) 35-43

 2013 ‘Planning the Roman city: grids and divergences at Pompeii and Falerii Novi’, in H. Eckardt and S. Rippon (eds.) Living and Working in the Roman World. Essays in Honour of Michael Fulford (Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series) 95, 75-93

2013 ‘Ottaviano e il tramonto della repubblica’, in Augusto. Catalogo della mostra (Rome, Electa) 134-37

2014 ‘The Senses in the Marketplace: The Luxury Market and Eastern Trade in Imperial Rome’, in J. Toner (ed.) A Cultural History of the Senses in Antiquity (London, Bloomsbury) 69-89

2014 ‘Introduction: Inschriften in privaten Räumen’, in W. Eck (ed.) Akten: XIV Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae 27. – 31. Augusti MMXII (Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter) 481-482

2014 ‘Die Römer zu Hause. Das Leben in Pompeji und seine Bewohner’, in A. Hoffmann et al. (eds.) Pompeji. Götter, Mythen, Menschen (Hamburg, Bucerius Kunst Forum) 52-61

2014 ‘Afterword’, in J. Crawley Quinn and N. C. Vella (eds.) The Punic Mediterranean: Identities and Identification from Phoenician Settlement to Roman Rule (Cambridge, CUP) 299-304

2015 ‘The Album of Herculaneum: Problems of Status and Identity’, in A. B. Kuhn (ed.) Social Status and Prestige in the Graeco-Roman World (Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag) 115-152

2015 ‘What makes a Roman House a "Roman House"?’, in K. Tuori and L. Nissin (eds.) Public and Private in the Roman House and Society (Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series) 102, 177-186

2016 ‘Inscriptions in Private Spaces’, in R. Benefiel and P. Keegan (eds.) Inscriptions in the Private Sphere in the Greco-Roman World (Leiden, Boston, Brill) 1-10

Director of Research
Honorary Professor of Roman Studies
Professor Andrew  Wallace-Hadrill

Contact Details

Faculty of Classics
Sidgwick Avenue
Not available for consultancy

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