I am Classics editor of the Times Literary Supplement.
Pompeii: the life of a Roman Town (London and Cambridge, MA., 2008)
The Roman Triumph (Cambridge, Ma., 2007)
The Colosseum (with Keith Hopkins) (London and Cambridge, Ma, 2004)
The Parthenon (London and Cambridge, Ma., 2002)
Classical Art: from Greece to Rome (with John Henderson) (Oxford, 2001)
The Invention of Jane Harrison (Cambridge, Ma., 2000)
Religions of Rome (with John North and Simon Price), (Cambridge, 1998)
Classics: a very short introduction (with John Henderson) (Oxford, 1995)
Pagan Priests (ed. with John North) (London, 1990)
The Good Working Mother's Guide (London, 1989)
Rome in the Late Republic (with Michael Crawford) (London, 1985, 2nd ed. 1999)
Among my favourite articles are:
“While Ridgeway lives research can ne’er be dull”, in C. Stray (ed.), The Owl of Minerva: Cambridge Praelections 1906 (Cambridge, 2004)
"Ciceronian Correspondences: making a Book out of Letters", in T. P. Wiseman (ed.), Classics in Progress, ( London , 2002), 103-144
"Looking (harder) for Roman myth: Dumézil, declamation and the problems of definition" in F. Graf (ed.), Mythos in mythenloser Gesellschaft: das Paradeigma Roms (Coll. Rauricum III, Stuttgart, 1993), 44-64
"Souvenirs of culture: deciphering (in) the museum", Art History 15 (1992), 505-32
"A Complex of Times: no more sheep on Romulus ' birthday", PCPhS 1987, 1-15 (reprinted in C. Ando (ed.), Roman Religion ( Edinburgh , 2003))
"The Sexual Status of Vestal Virgins", JRS 70 (1980), 12-27
Teaching and Supervisions
Recent topics: The culture of Roman display; Roman colour; paradigms of power in the Roman empire.