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Faculty of Classics



Key publications: 


1.   Sparta and Lakonia: a regional history 1300-362 BC, 2nd edn (Routledge, 2002; Ist edn, 1979)

2.   CRUX. Essays in Greek History presented to G.E.M. de Ste. Croix on his 75th birthday (Imprint Academic & Duckworth, 1985) [co-editor & contributor]

3.   Agesilaos and the Crisis of Sparta (Duckworth & Johns Hopkins U.P., 1987; reprint 2000)

4.   Hellenistic and Roman Sparta: a tale of two cities (Routledge, 1989, corr. pb. 1991) [co-author] (repr. with bibl. add. 2002)

5.   Aristophanes and his Theatre of the Absurd (Bristol Classical Press/ Duckworth, 1990; updated edn, 1999) [Greek tr. 2006]

6. NOMOS. Essays in Athenian Law, Politics and Society (Cambridge U.P., 1990, repr. 2002) [co-editor & contributor]

7.   Religion in the Ancient Greek City, by L. Bruit-Zaidman & P. Schmitt-Pantel (French original 1989, Cambridge U.P. 1992 & many repr. with bibliogr. updates) [editor & translator]

8.  The Greeks. A Portrait of Self and Others, 2nd edn (Oxford U.P., 2002; original edn, 'OPUS' series, 1993, rev. edn 1997; enlarged German trans. 1998; Japanese trans. 2001; Greek trans. 2002)

9. Hellenistic Constructs: Essays in culture, history, and historiography (University of California P., 1997) [co-editor, contributor]

10. The Cambridge Illustrated History of Ancient Greece rev. edn (C.U.P., pb, 2002; original hb edn, 1997; US 1998; [creator, editor and contributor] [German trans. by W. Nippel, Metzler 2000; Greek, Korean, Portuguese & Chinese transl., 2004] [won John D. Criticos Prize of London Hellenic Society, 1998]

11. Xenophon: Hiero the Tyrant and Other Treatises (Penguin Classics, 1997, rev. reissue 2005) [co-author, trans. & comm.]

12. KOSMOS. Essays in Athenian Order, Conflict and Community (C.U.P., 1998, repr. 2002) [co-editor and contributor]

13. Democritus and Atomistic Politics (Orion, 1998, ebook 2012) [Spanish,       Portuguese, Finnish, Italian, Hebrew, Greek, Japanese trans.]

14. The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization (TV Books, N.Y., 2000; rev. repr. BBC Books, 2001) [Spanish trans., 2001]

15. Spartan Reflections (Duckworth & University of California Press, 2001) [a collection of 13 essays, revised/updated and new; Greek trans. 2004]

16. Money, Labour, and Land. Approaches to the economies of ancient Greece (Routledge 2001)[co-editor and contributor]

17. The Spartans: An Epic History (Channel Four Books, London, 2002, pb 2003; Overlook Press, New York, 2003; Vintage pb 2004; Greek trans. 2004) [Audiobook: Blackstone, USA, 2007] [Bulgarian translation]

18.  Alexander the Great: the Hunt for a New Past (Macmillan, UK, & Overlook Press, NY, 2004, Vintage pb 2005) [Greek trans. 2004, Bulgarian, Korean trans, 2005]

19.  Thermopylae: the Battle that Changed the World (Macmillan, 2006, corrected pb, 2007) [Spanish trans.] [Audiobook:  Blackstone, USA, 2007]

20. I Symvoli tis Arkhaias Spartis stin Politiki Skepsi kai Praktiki/The Contribution of Ancient Sparta to Political Thought and Practice (Athens: Alexandreia, 2007) co-ed. with N. Birgalias, K. Buraselis]

21. Eine Trilogie über die Demokratie (Stuttgart: Steiner-Verlag, 2008)

22. Ancient Greek Political Thought in Practice (C.U.P. 'Key Themes' series, Cambridge, 2009)

23. Ancient Greece. A History in Eleven Cities (O.U.P., 2009, OUP NY 2010)

24. Forever Young. Why Cambridge Has a Professorship of Greek Culture (A.G. Leventis Professorship Inaugural Lecture, Feb. 16 2009, C.U.P. 2009)

25. Responses to Oliver Stone's *Alexander*: Film, History, and Cultural Studies (University of Wisconsin Press, 2010) [co-ed. with F. Rose Greenland]

26. Revisiting Ancient Greece: via Alexandria in Egypt (The Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia, Cyprus, 2010) [Lecture]

27. The Cambridge World History of Slavery, vol. 1 [of 4]: The Ancient       Mediterranean World (C.U.P., 2011) [co-ed. with K.R. Bradley]

28. Ancient Greece: A Very Short Introduction (OUP: Oxford & NY, 2011)

29. After Thermopylae: The Oath of Plataea and the End of the Graeco-Persian Wars (OUP: NY & Oxford, 2013)

30. War-Peace and Panhellenic Games (Int. Institute of Ancient Hellenic History       “SOSIPOLIS”), ed. N. Birgalias, K. Buraselis, P. Cartledge, A. Gartziou-Tatti       (Kardamitsa: Athens 2013)

31. Introduction and Endnotes to: Herodotus: Histories - A New Translation by Tom Holland (Penguin Books 2013)

32. Democracy: A Life (OUP/NY, March/April 2016, corrected repr. with new       Afterword, 2018)

33. [co-ed. with S. Voutsaki] Ancient Monuments and Modern Identities. The History of Archaeology in 19th- and 20th-Century Greece (Ashgate, 2017)

34. Thebes: Forgotten City of Ancient Greece (London: Picador & N.Y.: Abrams,   2020)


1. (with P. Christesen) Archaic Sparta and Lakonia (OUP, NY, 2021?)

ARTICLES  (refereed journals and books) include:

1. 'The Second Thoughts of Augustus on the res publica in 28/27 BC' Hermathena  119 (1975) 30-40

2. 'Toward the Spartan revolution' Arethusa  8 (1975)

3. 'The enlightened historigraphy of Edward Gibbon, Esq.: a bicentennial celebration' Maynooth Review  3 (1977) 67-93

4. 'Hoplites and Heroes: Sparta's contribution to the technique of ancient warfare' JHS 97 (1977) 11-27 [German trans., with add., in K. Christ (ed.) Sparta (WdF 622, Darmstadt 1986) 387-425, 470]

5.  'Literacy in the Spartan oligarchy' JHS 98 (1978) 25-37 [repr. with add. in Book no. 15]

6.  'The peculiar position of Sparta in the development of the Greek city-state' Proc. Royal Irish Academy 80C (1980) 91-108 [repr. with add. in Book no. 15]

7.  'Spartan wives: liberation or licence?' CQ 31 (1981) 84-105 [repr. with add. in Book no. 15]

8.  'The politics of Spartan pederasty' PCPhS 27 (1981) 17-36 [repr., with add., in A.K. Siems (ed.) Sexualität und Erotik in der Antike (WdF 605, Darmstadt 1988) 388-415; and in W.R. Dynes & S. Donaldson (eds.) Homosexuality in the Ancient World (Garland, N.Y. 1992)] [repr. with add. in Book no. 15]

9.   'Sparta and Samos: a special relationship?' CQ 32 (1982) 243-65

10. '"Trade and Politics" revisited: Archaic Greece'. In Trade in the Ancient Economy, ed. P. Garnsey, K. Hopkins & C.R. Whittaker (Hogarth P. & U. Calif. P., 1983) 1-15

11.   'The Greek religious festivals'. In Greek Religion and Society, ed. P.E. Easterling & J.V. Muir (C.U.P., 1985) 98-127, 223-6

12.   'Rebels and Sambos in Classical Greece: a comparative view'. In CRUX [Book, no. 2, 1985, repr. in Book no. 15, 2001] 16-46 

13. 'The "Tacitism" of Edward Gibbon (200 years on)' Mediterranean Historical Rev. 4 (1989) 251-70

14. 'Herodotus and "the Other": a meditation on empire' EMC/CV 9 (1990) 27-40 [Greek translation in A. Melista & G. Sotiropoulou eds Herodotos. Dekatessara Meletimata, Athens 2005]

15. 'The importance of being Dorian: an onomastic gloss on the Hellenism of Oscar Wilde' Hermathena 148 (1990) 7-15 [repr. with add. in Book no. 15]

16. 'Fowl Play: a curious lawsuit in Classical Athens (Antiphon frr. 57-59 Thalheim)'. In NOMOS. Essays in Athenian Law, Politics and Society (Cambridge U.P., 1990, repr. 2002) in NOMOS [Book, no. 6] (1990) 41-61

17. 'Early Lakedaimon: the making of a conquest-state'. In PHILOLAKON. Lakonian studies in honour of H.W. Catling, ed. J.M. Sanders (Oxbow P. & British School at Athens, 1992) 49-55

18. 'A Spartan education'. In APODOSIS. Essays presented to Dr W.W. Cruickshank on his eightieth birthday (St Paul's Sch., 1992) 10-19 [repr. with add. in Book no. 15]

19. 'The silent women of Thucydides: 2.45.2 re-viewed'. In NOMODEIKTES. Fest. M. Ostwald, ed. R. Rosen & J. Farrell (U. of Michigan P., 1993) 125-32

20. '"Like a Worm i' the Bud"? A heterology of Classical Greek slavery' Greece & Rome 40 (1993) 163-80

21. 'Xenophon's Women: a touch of the Other?' in H.D. Jocelyn & H. Hurt (eds.) Tria Lustra: Fest. J. Pinsent (Liverpool 1993) 5-14

22. '"We are all Greeks"? Ancient (especially Herodotean) and modern contestations of Hellenism' BICS n.s. 2 (1995 [1996]) 75-82

23. 'Vindicating Gibbon's good faith' Hermathena 148 (Summer 1995 [1996]) 133-47

24.  'Classical Studies' in A. Barnard & J. Spencer (eds) Routledge Encyclopedia of Social and cultural Anthropology (1996) 100-02

25. 'Comparatively Equal'. In Demokratia: A Conversation on democracies, ancient and modern, ed. J. Ober & C.W. Hedrick (Princeton U.P., 1996) 175-85 [repr. with add. in Book no. 15]

26. 'La Politica'. In I Greci: storia-cultura-arte-società, ed. S. Settis (Einaudi, 1996), vol. I: 39-72 

27.  'La nascita degli opliti e l'organizzazione militare'. In ibid. II.1 (1996) 681-714   [publ. in original Eng. version, with add., in Book no. 15]

28. 'Utopie et Critique de la politique'. In Le Savoir grec. Dictionnaire critique, ed. J. Brunschwig & G.E.R. Lloyd (Flammarion, 1996; E.T. Harvard UP, 2001 = no. 50) 200-17

29. Some 35 articles in The Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3rd edn (1996) incl. 'Economy, Greek', 'Slavery, Greek', Trade, Greek', 'Industry'

30. 'Introduction' and 'Historiography and ancient Greek self-definition' in M. Bentley (ed.) Routledge Companion to Historiography (1997) 3-10, 23-42

31. 'Agathoergoi', 'Agelai', 'Agoge' in Der Neue Pauly 1 (1997)

32. '"Deep Plays": theatre as process in Athenian civic life', Inaugural chapter of The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy, ed. P.E. Easterling (C.U.P., 1997) 3-35 [Greek translation 2008]

33.  'Introduction' to [Book, no. 9, 1997] 1-19 

34.  'Editorial Introduction'. In [Book, no. 12, 1998] 1-12

35. 'Writing the history of Archaic Greek political thought' in N. Fisher & H. van Wees (eds.) Archaic Greece: New Approaches and New Evidence (Classical P of Wales/Duckworth 1998) 379-99

36. 'Enomotia', 'Freigelassene [I, Griechenland]', 'Gymnetes', 'Heloten', 'Homoioi', 'Krypteia' Der Neue Pauly vols 2-3 (1998)

37. 'The economy (economies) of ancient Greece' DIALOGOS 5 (1998) 4-24 [repr. in W. Scheidel & S. von Reden eds  The Ancient Economy (2002) 11-32]

38. 'Cambridge Classics for the Third Millennium' in S. Ormrod (ed.) Cambridge Contributions (C.U.P., 1998) 103-21

39. 'Classics: from discipline in crisis to (multi)cultural capital?' in Pedagogy and Power: Rhetorics of Classical Learning, ed. Y.L. Too & N. Livingstone (C.U.P., 1998) 16-28

40. 'The machismo of the Athenian empire - or the reign of the phaulus?' in L. Foxhall & J. Salmon (eds.) When Men Were Men: Masculinity, power and identity in classical antiquity (Routledge, 1998) 54-65

41. 'City and chora in Sparta: Archaic to Hellenistic' in W.G. Cavanagh & S.E.C. Walker (eds.) Sparta in Laconia (Proc. 19th B.M. Classical Colloquium, 6-8 Dec. 1995) (London 1999) 39-47 [repr. with add. in Book no. 15]

42. 'The Socratics' Sparta and Rousseau's' in S. Hodkinson & A. Powell (eds.) Sparta: New Perspectives (London 1999) 311-37

43. 'Democratic politics ancient and modern: from Cleisthenes to Mary Robinson' Hermathena 166 (Summer 1999 [2000]) 5-29

44. 'Boeotian Swine F(or)ever? The Boeotian Superstate, 395 BCE' in P. Flensted-Jensen et al. (eds.) Polis & Politics. Studies in Ancient Greek History presented to M.H. Hansen on his sixtieth birthday (Copenhagen 2000) 397-418

45. 'Introduction' to George Grote A History of Greece: From the Time of Solon to 403 BC, ed. M.O.B. Caspari and J.M. Mitchell (Routledge, 2000 [originally 1907])

46. 'Martin Bernal et la fureur Black Athena' in F.-X. Fauvelle-Aymar et al  (eds) Afrocentrismes: l'Histoire en jeu (Karthala, Paris, 2000) 47-63

47. 'Spartan justice? or "The State of the Ephors"?' DIKE 3 (2000) 5-26

48.  'The Historical Context'. Inaugural chapter of The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political Thought, ed. M. Schofield & C. Rowe (C.U.P., 2000) 11-22

49. '"To Poseidon the Driver": an Arkado-Lakonian ram dedication' in G.R. Tsetskhladze et al. eds. Periplous. Papers on Classical Art and Archaeology presented to Sir John Boardman (London, 2000) 60-67

50. 'Utopia and the Critique of Politics' in J. Brunschwig & G.E.R. Lloyd (eds) Greek Thought. A Guide to Classical Knowledge (Cambridge, MA & London 2000) 163-79

51. 'Peloponnesian War aftermath', in D. McCann & B.S. Strauss (eds.) War and Democracy. A comparative study of the Korean War and the Peloponnesian War (Armonk, NY, & London 2001) 104-23

52.  'Pausanias in Laconia' in S.E. Alcock, J.F. Cherry & J.R. Elsner eds, Pausanias: Travel and Memory in Roman Greece (NY 2001)

53. 'Odysseus in Auschwitz', Foreword to F. Hartog, Memories of Odysseus: Frontier tales from Ancient Greece (Edinburgh U.P., 2001) vii-xi

54. 'Ellines kai Barbaroi' in A-Ph. Christidis (ed) Istoria ti Ellinikis Glossas (Thessaloniki 2001)  [Eng. trans. 2007]

55. 'The political economy of Greek slavery' (2001) in Money, Labour and Land [book no. 16] 156-66

56. 'Aristophanes' in D. Jones ed. Censorship: A World Encyclopedia, 4 vols vol. 1 (2002): 95

57. 'The reliability debate: truth, fiction, polarity' in E.J. Bakker et al. eds. A Companion to Herodotus (Leiden 2002) ch. 19 [with E. Greenwood]

58.  'Greek civilisation and slavery' in T.P. Wiseman ed. Classics in Progress: Essays on Ancient Greece and Rome (London: British Academy 2002) 247-62

59. 'What is Social History Now?' in D. Cannadine (ed.) What Is History Now? (Basingstoke 2002, pb. 2004) 19-35 [Greek trans.]

60. 'Raising hell? The Helot mirage - a personal re-view' in N. Luraghi & S.E. Alcock (eds) Helots and their Masters in Laconia and Messenia. Histories, Ideologies, Structures (Washington, DC, 2003) 12-30

61. 'Some (More) Talk of Alexander', preface to Cl. Mossé, Alexander. Destiny and Myth (2004) vii-xi 

62. 'Olympic Self-sacrifice' in M. Kaila et al. eds The Olympic Games in Antiquity. Bring Forth Rain and Bear Fruit, Athens, 2004, 22-39 (parallel Greek-English texts)

63. 'What have the Spartans done for us?: Sparta's contribution to Western civilisation' Greece & Rome 2nd ser, 51.2 (2004) 164-79 and [slightly different] in Rivista Storica dell' Antichità 34 (2004) 129-46

64. 'Gibbon, Edward' and 'Hammond, Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière' in R.B. Todd ed. Dictionary of British Classicists (2004)

65.  'The Greeks for All? The Media and the Masses' Greek Art in View. Fest. B.A. Sparkes, ed. S. Keay & S. Moser (Oxford, 2004) 159-67

66. 'Why/How Does Classics Matter?' in Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 4.2 (June 2005), ed. S. Ormrod, 185-99

67. Numerous entries in G. Shipley et al. (eds) The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization (C.U.P., 2006)

68.  'Periklis-Dhias? Mia Meleti yia tin Tyrannidha' ('Perikles-Zeus? a study in tyranny') (ECCD Conference 'Perikles 2500', Delphi, July 2005) [in Greek] in Chr. Yiallouridhis ed.  I Perikleous Dhimokratia ston 21o Aiona (Athens, 2006) 33-44

69. 'Sparta and the Spartans in Thucydides' in A. Rengakos & A. Tsakmakis eds The Brill Companion to Thucydides (Leiden 2006) 559-87 [with P. Debnar]

70. 'Democracy, origins of: Contribution to a debate' in K.A. Raaflaub, J. Ober & R. Wallace (eds.) Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece: interpretations and controversies (U Cal. P, 2006) ch. 6 [Italian translation, Le origini della democrazia nell’ antica Grecia, Ariele P., Milano, 2011)

71.  'Prologos/Prologue' to Book no. 20: 13-18, 19-22 [Greek & English]

72. 'Spartan traditions and receptions' in Fest. G.L. Huxley, ed. B.C. McGing & M. Humphries (special issue of Hermathena 181 [Winter 2006, publ. 2007]) 41-9

73. 'Greeks and "barbarians"' in A.-F. Christidis ed. A History of Ancient Greek. From the Beginnings to Late Antiquity (Cambridge, 2007) ch. 21

74. 'Economy of Ancient Greece' in S. Durlauf & L. Blume eds New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008)

75. 'Black Sparta(n)?' in C. Gallou, M. Georgiadis & G.M. Muskett eds DIOSKOUROI. Studies presented to W.G. Cavanagh and C.B. Mee on the anniversary of their 30-year joint contribution to Aegean Archaeology (B.A.R. Int. ser. 1889, 2008) 329-33

76. 'Introduction: the Spartan tradition - a personal re-view' in W.G. Cavanagh, Ch. Gallou & M. Georgiadis eds Sparta and Laconia From Prehistory to Pre-Modern (BSA Studies 16, London 2009) 1-4

77. 'Foreword' in S.Goldhill & E. Hall eds Sophocles and the Greek Tragic Tradition (Cambridge, 2009) xi-xii 

78. '"Rights", Individuals, and Communities in Ancient Greece' in R. Balot ed. A Companion to Greek and Roman Political Thought (Malden, MA, & Oxford, 2009) 149-63 [with M. Edge]

79. 'Taking Herodotus Personally' Classical World 102.4 (2009) 393-404

80. 'Hellenism in the Enlightenment' in G.R. Boys-Stones, B. Graziosi, & P. Vasunia (eds) Oxford Handbook of Hellenic Studies (O.U.P., 2009) 166-72

81. 'Sparta's Apollo(ne)s' in L. Athanassaki, R. Martin & J. Miller eds. Apolline Politics & Poetics (Hellenic Ministry of Culture-ECCD 2003, Athens, 2009) 643-54

82. Appendix E , 'Spartan Government and Society', 347-58; Appendix F, 'The Spartan Army  (and the Battle of Leuctra)', 359-63; Appendix G, 'Agesilaos', 364-68, in R. Strassler, ed. The Landmark Xenophon's Hellenika (trans. J. Marincola)   (Pantheon, 2009)

83. 'Sparta', 'Helots', 'Lycurgus of Sparta', 'Messenia', 'Peroieci' in M. Gagarin ed. Encyclopedia of Greece and Rome (O.U.P., N.Y., 2009)

84.  'Gibbon's Tacitus' in A.J. Woodman (ed.) Cambridge Companion to Tacitus (C.U.P. 2010) 269-79 

85. 'Introduction' to The Landmark Arrian, ed. J. Romm & R. Strassler (2010)

86. 'The Helots: A Contemporary Review' in The Cambridge World History of       Slavery, vol. 1: The Ancient Mediterranean World, ed. P. Cartledge & K.R.     Bradley [in Book, no. 27,  2011, 74-90]

87. 'Sparta' in A. Grafton, G.W. Most & S. Settis. eds. The Classical Tradition         (Harvard UP 2011) 898-901

88. ‘Athenian social history: after Nick Fisher’ in S.D. Lambert ed. Sociable Man.   Essays on ancient Greek Social Behaviour in honour of Nick Fisher (Swansea       2011) 1-10

89. ‘Surrender in Ancient Greece in H. Strachan & H. Afflerbach eds Why Fighting  Ends. A History of Surrender (OUP, 2012)

90. ‘Spartan ways of death’ in S. Cataldi, E. Bianco & G. Cuniberti eds Salvare le  Poleis: Costruire la Concordia , progettare la pace (Alessandria, 2012) 21-38

91. ‘Hoplitai/Politai: Refighting Ancient Battles’ in D. Kagan & G. Viggiano eds    Men of Bronze. Hoplite Warfare in Ancient Greece (Princeton U.P., 2013)

92. ‘Not carrying the torch: a modern invention – and an ancient omission?’ In Book [30] 75-86

93. ‘Finley’s democracy/Democracy’s Finley’ in Moses Finley and Politics, ed. W.V. Harris (Leiden: Brill 2013) 93-105

94. 'General Introduction', to Michael H. Jameson Cults and Rites in Ancient Greece. Essays on Religion and Society, ed. Allaire B. Stallsmith (C.U.P., 2014)

95. ‘Foreword’ to V. Azoulay Pericles of Athens, trans. J. Lloyd (Oxford &       Princeton: Princeton UP, 2014)

96.  ‘Grote’s Sparta/Sparta’s Grote’, in K. Demetriou ed. Brill’s Companion to     George Grote (Leiden: Brill, 2014)

97.  ‘Finley’s Democracy: a study in reception (and non-reception)’, in M.I. Finley: An Ancient Historian and His Impact, ed. D. Jew, R. Osborne, & M. Scott (CUP, 2016) 210-26

98. Foreword to translation by J. Lloyd of V. Azoulay Les tyrannicides d’Athènes:   vie et mort de deux statues (Paris 2014): OUP/NY (2017).

99. Article online on ‘Geoffrey Edward Maurice de Ste. Croix’ in Encyclopaedia of   Ancient History (2017)

100. ‘The Spartan contribution to Greek citizenship theory’, in R. Brock & A.       Duplouy eds  Defining Citizenship in Archaic Greece (OUP, 2017)

101.‘Not just voting but being counted: the cases of ancient Greece’ in S. Ferente et al. eds Cultures of Voting in Pre-Modern Europe (Routledge, 2017)

102. ‘Afterword’ to D. Allen, P. Christesen & P. Millett eds How To Do Things With   History (OUP/NY 2018) 391-6

103.  ‘Oligarchs Anonymous Ancient and Modern: Some Democratic Responses’   Eranos CIX (2016-18) 27-36

104. Articles in A. Sommerstein ed. The Encyclopaedia of Greek Comedy (2018)

105. ‘John Boardman at 90: “New” Archaeology or “Old”? Confessions of a crypto-archaeologist’ in R. Morais, D. Leao, & D. Perez eds Greek Art in Motion:   Studies in honour of Sir John Boardman on the occasion of his 90th Birthday         (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2019) 55-8

106. ‘Statement’ ‘Response’ in The Life, The Image and the Problems of Democracy (ed. F. Sciacca) = PPI (Philosophy & Public Issues) n.s. 9 (2019):

107. ‘How To Do Things With – Popular or Public – Ancient Greek History’         Bollettino della Societa Filosofica Italiana (settembre-dicembre 2019) 7-24

108. ‘Afterword: the Boy from Cydathenaeum/Some Concluding Reflections’ in     R. Rosen & H.P. Foley eds Aristophanes and Politics (Columbia Studies in the       Classical Tradition 45, NY 2020) 273-8

109. ‘Digital democracy: Ancient and Modern – or Ancient versus Modern?’ in A.   Braendli & G. Vale eds. Going Digital? Citizen Participation & the Future of       Democracy (Bibliotheca Helvetica Romana 37, 2020) 28-33

110.  Article in C. Baron ed. The Herodotus Encyclopaedia (Wiley) Oct. 2020


[NOTE: the above listing excludes articles and essays in History Today, the BBC History Magazine, Classical Association News, Joint Association of Classical Teachers Review, Anglo-Hellenic Review, Military History Quarterly, etc.]


1. ‘Sparta’s contributions to Greek sport’ in & T. Scanlon & W. Raschke eds

2.. Appendix B ‘Xenophon and Sparta’ in The Landmark Xenophon’s Anabasis, ed. D. Thomas (2020)


A.G. Leventis Senior Research Fellow, Clare College
Emeritus A.G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture
Professor  Paul  Cartledge

Contact Details

Clare College, Cambridge, CB2 1TL
01223 335163 (Faculty)
Not available for consultancy


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