When can I visit?
Tues-Fri: 10am-5pm
Sat: 2-5pm (univ. term-time only)
Sun and Monday: Closed
Bank Holidays: Closed
What if you have to close again?
There are several reasons we might need to close again: some form of local lockdown would be one, but we are also a very small museum with limited staffing. If we are unable to safely staff the Museum, regrettably we will have to use our website to communicate emergency closure.
Booking Tickets
Will I need to book a ticket?
No! Not any more. Just drop by.
We will review this measure if the wider context changes.
Can I visit with someone from another household?
Can I book a group visit?
Yes! Find out more...
Can I book a school visit?
Yes! Please use our online booking form. We request that school visits arrive at quarter past the hour, and ask at the Enquiries Office before entering the building.
You can also contact our Education and Outreach Coordinator to discuss your needs:
William Jefferies
Tel.: 01223 767044
NHS Track and Trace
Are you collecting contact details for NHS Track and Trace?
Hygiene and Safety Measures
What social distancing and safety measures have you put in place?
We encourage visitors to wear a face covering while in our Cast Gallery, unless they are exempt. However, please remember that not all exemptions are visible. We are continuing to clean touch-points regularly and there is hand sanitiser available upon entry to the building, but have removed the screens from our front desk.
Most importantly, if you are feeling unwell, please stay home.
Will I need to wear a face mask or face covering?
No. However, we encourage you to do so if you feel more comfortable with a mask.
We understand that not everyone can wear a mask and that not all exemptions are visible. We ask all our visitors (and staff) to be mindful and understanding to others.
What personal protective equipment have you provided for your staff?
Our staff have access to face masks, hand sanitiser, gloves and wipes.
How have you ensured that visitors with disabilities will have access to the Cast Gallery?
Equality of access is important to us and we have considered issues of accessibility during our planning. Our usual measures remain in place: our step-free access via lift is located through a separate entrance to the building and we ask visitors to stop at the Enquiries Office as they arrive so that we can guide them through the alternative route.
If I am unwell on the day of my visit, what should I do?
If you or anyone you live with displays symptoms associated with Covid-19 or other respiratory illnesses, or if you’ve recently been in contact with someone who has Covid-19, we ask that you stay at home and delay your trip until it is safe to visit us.
What should I do if I feel unwell during my visit?
If you feel or a member of your group feels unwell during your visit, please follow the one-way system around the Cast Gallery to return to the front desk and alert a member of staff.
Why is there no hand sanitiser available in the Cast Gallery?
Good question! The answer is partly because our building is small so we felt we did not need sanitiser both on entry and within the Cast Gallery - there is not much to touch in our Gallery, after all. But it's also because we want to protect our casts and the alcohol in hand sanitiser is a risk to our collection. So please be very careful if you are using your own hand sanitiser as you go around.
Facilities and Events
Will the toilets be open?
Yes. Toilets are available in the foyer as you arrive and also on the exit route as you leave, whether you leave by the stairs or the lift. Up to four people may enter the toilets at any one time.
What can I do with my bags?
We ask that visitors do not carry large bags around the Cast Gallery, to help us protect the casts. We have racks for bags which will be cleaned daily, but we suggest that visitors carry only small bags and rucksacks that they can hand- or front-carry.
Will some spaces remain closed?
No. Our Gallery is small and we are not anticipating closing any areas, unless we need access to specific casts/areas for conservation reasons or maintenance.
I am a visitor with access needs. How can I plan for my visit?
Equality of access is very important to us and we appreciate that our visitors have different needs. You can find out more about access to the Museum of Classical Archaeology by visiting our Museum Access page, and you can let us know your needs when you book your ticket.
If you have any concerns, you can contact us directly:
Phone: 01223 330402
Will there be babychanging available?
Baby changing is available in the accessible toilet in the main foyer entrance.
Will you be giving out leaflets, trails or large-text labels?
Leaflets, large text labels and trails are available in the Gallery and at the Front Desk.
Are buggies allowed in the Gallery?
Yes, as always we welcome families and visitors with young children. Usually, however, we would suggest parking buggies up by the entrance, but for now we suggest visitors take their buggy around the Gallery and take extra care where space is more restricted.
Will family activities and events be taking place?
We are slowly reintroducing in-person events. Our interactive toys and dress-up box are currently still packed away to reduce the number of touch points.
We do have a number of brand new alternative activities, so that you can entertain the little ones on your visit.
Can I buy postcards, highlights packs and books during my visit?
Yes. We are now handling cash again and are able to sell postcards, highlights packs and books at the front desk.
Unfortunately, we are not able to take card payments. Please contact us on if there is something you very much want to buy by post. (No, we can't sell you a cast. But we might be able to point you to someone who can...)
Can I sketch?
Yes. Please use one of the chairs available in the Gallery. Our usual rules apply: please do not block any thoroughfares (this is now extra important!) or fire exits, please use only dry materials and no charcoal or pastels, and please be mindful of other visitors. Please return the chair to us at the Front Desk when you leave. We are looking forward to welcoming you back.
Where can I eat?
We do not allow food and drink in our Cast Gallery, and we do not have a cafe. We suggest eating on nearby Coe Fen, where you might spot a heron or a cow. Alternatively, cafes on site have now reopened.
I'm a member of the University and I want to teach in the Gallery. Can I do that?
Yes. Contact us to make a group booking, or just drop by during opening hours to use the Gallery for supervisions - there is no longer any need to book in advance.