Edited books
S. Owen & L. Preston (eds) Inside the Greek City: Studies in Urbanism in the Greek World from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic Period (Oxbow, 2009)
H. Hurst & S. Owen (eds) Ancient Colonizations: analogy, similarity and difference (Duckworth, 2005)
'New light on Thracian Thasos: a reinterpretation of the 'cave of Pan'' JHS 120 (2000), 139-143.
'Of Dogs and Men: Archilochos, archaeology and the Greek settlement of Thasos' PCPS 49 (2003), 1-18.
'Archaeology, analogy and Archaic Greek colonization' in H. Hurst & S. Owen (eds) Ancient Colonizations: analogy, similarity and difference (Duckworth, 2005)
'Mortuary display and cultural contact: a cemetery at Kastri on Thasos' Oxford Journal of Archaeology 25 (2006), 257-70
'The Thracian landscape of Archaic Thasos' in S. Owen and L. Preston (eds) Inside the Greek City: Studies in Urbanism in the Greek World from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic Period (Oxbow, 2009)