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Faculty of Classics

ReFer, by Guirlanden. 2 June - 31 August 2022

RefeR, by Guirlanden (DK)

An exhibition of contemporary art

2 June - 31 August 2022 now extended until 27 October 2022


GUIRLANDEN are a traditional Danish kunstnersammenslutninger, a collective of contemporary artists. They are rooted in the Aarhus art scene, and held their first exhibition at Aarhus City Hall in 1968. In 2018, GUIRLANDEN celebrated their 50th anniversary with an exhibition at the Museum of Ancient Art at Aarhus University, staging a series of contemporary installations in direct response to works in the Museum's Cast Collection. In the words of Vinnie Nørskov, Director of the Museum of Ancient Art, this is a direction that the group 'definitely would not have chosen in 1968.' To a contemporary gaze, the embodiment of the classical past in plaster casts might seem old, dusty, or out-dated.


ORNAMENT, 2018. Træ, 90 x 240 x 14 cm. Anders Gammelgaard Nielsen, part of the 'L' exhibition at The Museum of Ancient Art in Aarhus. Copyright: Guirlanden/the Artist


In this exhibition at the Museum of Classical Archaeology, the artists of GUIRLANDEN continue to turn a curious gaze upon the classical reproductions in our Cast Gallery. Each member of the collective seeks to engage with the influence of Greaco-Roman sculpture on the here and now by creating individual works and installations which are conceptualised as actualisations of the very heritage of ancient art in the present. In this way, they focus less on the naked bodies on display and more on the complex of narratives, shapes and ideas which they represent.


Iben West, Container. Copyright: Guirlanden/the Artist


The artists

Iben West

Anders Gammelgaard Nielsen

Anne-Marie Pedersen

Bodil Sohn

Else Ploug Isaksen

Alex Mørch

Jørgen Mikael Andersen

Kim T. Grønborg

Maja Ingerslev

Max Parylewicz

Mariko Wada

Kamilla Jørgensen






Every cast tells two stories.
One ancient. One modern.

Admission is free.


Opening hours

Tues-Fri: 10am-5pm
Sat (univ. term-time only): 2pm-5pm
Sun and Monday: Closed

Closed on Bank Holidays


Saturday Opening

We are currently open on Saturdays.

Please note: We are open on Saturdays only during University of Cambridge term time.


Visit us

Museum of Classical Archaeology
Faculty of Classics
Sidgwick Avenue

We do not have an entrance on the road. Find us inside the Sidgwick Site.


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All images and material on our websites are ©Museum of Classical Archaeology, University of Cambridge unless otherwise stated. If you would like to reproduce our images, you can now do so for non-commercial use at no charge.

See also our Copyright Notice and Take Down Policy.