Anastasia Christophiloulou is (as of October 2024) the George D. and Margo Behrakis Chair, Art of Ancient Greece and Rome at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) in Boston. Previously she worked for 14 years as Senior Curator for the Ancient Mediterranean and as Senior Assistant Keeper for Greece, Rome and Cyprus at the Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge. Anastasia’s core research interests lie in the Archaeology of the Mediterranean, with emphasis on the cultures of Mediterranean islands. She is particularly interested in questions of cultural identity, mobility and migration in antiquity. She continues to collaborate with colleagues at the Faculty of Classics: those collaborations have included projects such as the ‘Codebreakers and Groundbreakers exhibition’, her recent major project on ‘Being an Islander’, and the West Area of Samos Archaeological Project – an innovative archaeological survey project in Western Samos (under the permit of the Ministry of Culture, Greece). She has also led numerous initiatives on material culture interpretation and archaeological analysis. Other interests include various aspects of public engagement with the ancient world, anthropological perspectives to interpreting material culture, history of museum collections and issues of heritage responsibilities and provenance.
Christophilopoulou A., (ed), Islands and Communities; Perspectives on Insularity, Connectivity and Belonging, Oxford, Oxbow, 2024.
Christophilopoulou A., (ed), Islanders: The Making of the Mediterranean, Exhibition volume and catalogue, The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, in association with Paul Hoberton Publications, 2023.
Christophilopoulou A., (ed), Material Cultures in Public Engagement: Re-inventing Public Archaeology within Museum Collections, Oxford, Oxbow, 2020.
Christophilopoulou A., Galanakis I., and Grime J. (eds), Codebreakers & Groundbreakers, The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 2017.