Submitted by M. Willett on Thu, 03/10/2024 - 16:27
The Faculty would like to congratulate Sólveig Hilmarsdóttir for winning the The British Federation of Women Graduates' Elen Wynne Vanstone Award for her work Talis homo qualis oratio: social status and its connection to the language of Roman writers.
Sólveig works on the interface between Latin linguistics and Latin literature and her PhD project focuses on sociolinguistic variation in Latin letters from the late Republic (the first century BCE). She looks at how social status and social background influenced the way in which people used Latin, using data from the corpus of Ciceronian epistolography.
Sólveig read for a double B.A. degree in Latin and Greek at the University of Iceland and spent a year as an exchange student at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. She completed her MPhil in Classics here at the University of Cambridge where she has stayed for her PhD work in Classics, as a Gates Cambridge Scholar. She will spend fall term 2024 as a research scholar in the Department of the Classics at Harvard University in the US.
Congratulations Sólveig!